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Reads and displays (with possible filter) a json log file.


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  • Log reader is a very simple WebView.WindowsForms application.
  • It can load data from:
    • Selected file
      • Typing the full path to the input and pressing enter or the Load button
      • Or clicking Browse and selecting the file
    • Clipboard
      • Pressing the Load from clipboard button
      • Or Pressing Ctrl+V while the software is focused (except if an input is focused: Search, Load from file, Exception, Raw log entry)
      • Supports the following clipboard styles:
        • Raw text (e.g. copying the content of the log file)
        • Path to a file as text (e.g. C:\Test\example.log)
        • File (e.g. Ctrl+C on a file, works through RDP too!)
  • After loading the log file it will display it in a human readable form.
  • You can expand entries to show the full log message and some additional info.
    • Expanded entries are marked with a thin black border.
    • Exception is only shown when it has value. (it can be closed by clicking its header). It is a <textarea>, so it can be edited, which is not stored, you can reload it by closing and opening the section.
    • Raw log entry is default closed, can be shown by clicking its header. It is a <textarea>, so it can be edited, which is not stored, you can reload it by closing and opening the section.

Light theme





Dark theme





Supported log formats


Normal JSON output format, where the property names are not truncated (e.g. Serilog.Formatting.Json). Each line contains one whole JSON entry that holds the log information. It works with lower case properties too (e.g. timestamp).

  "Timestamp": "2024-07-08T18:56:44.4421943+02:00",
  "Level": "Verbose",
  "MessageTemplate": "Trace.",
  "RenderedMessage": "Trace.",
  "Properties": {
    "SourceContext": "LogReader.Program"

Compact JSON

Compact JSON output format, where the property names are truncated (e.g. Serilog.Formatting.Compact). Each line contains one whole JSON entry that holds the log information.

  "@t": "2016-06-07T03:44:57.8532799Z",
  "@m": "Hello, \"nblumhardt\"",
  "@i": "7a8b9c0d",
  "User": "nblumhardt"


  • The search input is split to tokens on each space. Everything is case-insensitive.
  • If you want to search for a text with space in it, you have to place it in double quite, e.g. "test string".
  • Each token must match the given entry to display it (so they are connected with AND logical operators).
  • Search is triggered only onchange event, meaning you have to press enter or focus something else in the software.
  • Anything that is not a special token will be matched against Level, RenderedMessage and Exception as Contains.

Special tokens

You can use the following operators to filter for Timestamp or Level (case-insensitive):

  • <: Timestamp or Level must be smaller than the given value.
  • <=: Timestamp or Level must be smaller than or equal to the given value.
  • >: Timestamp or Level must be bigger than the given value.
  • >=: Timestamp or Level must be bigger than or equal to the given value.
  • ==: Timestamp or Level must be equal to the given value.
  • !=: Timestamp or Level must be not equal to the given value.

Supported log levels

  • Verbose/Trace level:
    • verb
    • verbose
    • trace
  • Debug level:
    • deb
    • debug
  • Information level:
    • inf
    • info
    • information
  • Warning level:
    • warn
    • warning
  • Error level:
    • err
    • error
  • Fatal/Critical level:
    • fatal
    • crit
    • critical




Supported date formats

Anything that can be parsed by DateTime.Parse. Don't forget to use double quotes (") if you want to place spaces between date and time. Note that if you only use time it will parse it as the current date + the given time, not any date.



"<2024-07-23 10:30:00"
