This repo houses publicly available documentation for Portage Labs projects.
Start by reading through our Non-Technical Summary documentation section.
Our development works as a simplified Agile approach; specifically, we use the Linear Method with Cycles replacing Agile's sprints.
- Managers are responsible for top-level project direction, feature road maps, prioritizing and linking issues (tickets), and fitting those issues into the scope of each cycle.
- Developers are responsible for creating well-documented issues, scoping them with estimates (where 1 point = one day), and keeping managers informed when there are delays or some time to tackle tech debt is necessary.
You should be looking at our [secret project]'s documentation, not these public docs.
- covers the overall project documentation.
For business-related inquires, contact Sharva at sharva[at]portagelabs[dot]io
For development-related inquiries, contact the developers at dev[at]portagelabs[dot]io
This project is proprietary. Unauthorized copying of this documentation, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.
Copyright © Portage Labs, 2024