This is a simple chat application project using Advanced Java. I have used User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for networking(sending & receiving messages) in this project.
Advanced Java concepts used: DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket classes (used for UDP)
Modules: 2 modules a server and a client.
Tools Required: Installed & running Java JDK (I used 1.8 version for windows)/ Java SE, any text editor like notepad or any IDE for java will do, Command prompt to run files.
Steps to run: 1.Open two command prompts. 2.Change directory to where the files are stored. command: cd directory_name
3.In the first one cmd, command to compile: javac; command to run bytecode: java datagramserver2;
4.In the second cmd, command to compile: javac; command to run bytecode: java datagramclient2;
Output Screenshot: