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mansky1 committed Mar 24, 2024
1 parent 2621990 commit 19fab10
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Showing 33 changed files with 553 additions and 866 deletions.
30 changes: 29 additions & 1 deletion floyd/compat.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,34 @@ Notation "|> P" := (▷ P)%I
Notation "P <--> Q" := (P ↔ Q)%I
(at level 95, no associativity, only parsing) : bi_scope.

Notation TT := (True)%I.
Notation FF := (False)%I.

Open Scope bi_scope.

Definition pred_ext := @bi.equiv_entails_2 (iPropI (VSTΣ unit)).
Definition pred_ext := @bi.equiv_entails_2.
Definition andp_right := @bi.and_intro.
Definition prop_right := @bi.pure_intro.
Definition sepcon_derives := @bi.sep_mono.
Definition andp_derives := @bi.and_mono.
Definition sepcon_emp := @bi.sep_emp.
Definition emp_sepcon := @bi.emp_sep.
Definition sepcon_comm := @bi.sep_comm.
Definition sepcon_assoc := @bi.sep_assoc.
Definition allp_right := @bi.forall_intro.

Fixpoint iter_sepcon2 {B1 B2} (p : B1 -> B2 -> mpred) l :=
match l with
| nil => fun l2 =>
match l2 with
| nil => emp
| _ => FF
| x :: xl => fun l' =>
match l' with
| nil => FF
| y :: yl => p x y * iter_sepcon2 p xl yl

Global Tactic Notation "inv" ident(H):= Coqlib.inv H.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions floyd/forward.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4487,7 +4487,8 @@ Ltac start_function1 :=
POST [ tint ] _) |- _ => idtac
| s := ?spec' |- _ => check_canonical_funspec spec'
change (semax_body V G F s); subst s
change (semax_body V G F s); subst s;
unfold mk_funspec'
(* let DependedTypeList := fresh "DependedTypeList" in*)
unfold NDmk_funspec;
Expand All @@ -4498,7 +4499,7 @@ Ltac start_function1 :=
match Pre with
| (monPred_at (convertPre _ _ (fun i => _))) => intros Espec (*DependedTypeList*) i
| (λne x, monPred_at match _ with (a,b) => _ end) => intros Espec (*DependedTypeList*) [a b]
| (λne i, _) => intros Espec (*DependedTypeList*) i
| (λne i, _) => intros Espec (*DependedTypeList*) i (* this seems to be named "a" no matter what *)
simpl fn_body; simpl fn_params; simpl fn_return
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion floyd/funspec_old.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ Admitted. (* might be true *)

End mpred.

Ltac rewrite_old_main_pre ::= rewrite ?old_main_pre_eq; unfold convertPre.
Ltac rewrite_old_main_pre ::= rewrite ?old_main_pre_eq; unfold convertPre, convertPre'.

Ltac prove_all_defined :=
red; simpl makePARAMS;
Expand Down
221 changes: 62 additions & 159 deletions progs/io_dry.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,15 @@ Require Import
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VST.sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import VST.veric.semax_ext.
Require Import VST.veric.juicy_mem.
Require Import VST.veric.compcert_rmaps.
Require Import VST.veric.initial_world.
Require Import VST.veric.ghost_PCM.
Require Import VST.veric.SequentialClight.
Require Import VST.concurrency.conclib.
Require Import VST.progs.dry_mem_lemmas.

Section IO_Dry.

Context {E : Type -> Type} {IO_E : @IO_event nat -< E}.

Notation IO_itree := (@IO_itree E).

Definition getchar_pre (m : mem) (witness : byte -> IO_itree) (z : IO_itree) :=
let k := witness in (sutt eq (r <- read stdin;; k r) z).

Expand All @@ -30,172 +27,78 @@ Definition putchar_post (m0 m : mem) (r : int) (witness : byte * IO_itree) (z :
(Int.signed r = -1 \/ Int.signed r = Byte.unsigned c) /\
if eq_dec (Int.signed r) (-1) then sutt eq (write stdout c;; k) z else z = k.

Context (ext_link : String.string -> ident).

Instance Espec : OracleKind := IO_Espec ext_link.
Existing Instance semax_lemmas.eq_dec_external_function.

Definition io_ext_spec := OK_spec.
Definition getchar_sig := {| sig_args := []; sig_res := Tret AST.Tint; sig_cc := cc_default |}.
Definition putchar_sig := {| sig_args := [AST.Tint]; sig_res := Tret AST.Tint; sig_cc := cc_default |}.

Program Definition io_dry_spec : external_specification mem external_function (@IO_itree E).
Program Definition io_dry_spec : external_specification mem external_function IO_itree.
unshelve econstructor.
- intro e.
pose (ext_spec_type io_ext_spec e) as T; simpl in T.
destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|exact False]];
match goal with T := (_ * ?A)%type |- _ => exact (mem * A)%type end.
destruct (eq_dec e (EF_external "putchar" putchar_sig)).
{ exact (mem * (byte * IO_itree))%type. }
destruct (eq_dec e (EF_external "getchar" getchar_sig)).
{ exact (mem * (byte -> IO_itree))%type. }
exact False%type.
- simpl; intros.
destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|contradiction]].
+ destruct X as (m0 & _ & w).
exact (X1 = [Vubyte (fst w)] /\ m0 = X3 /\ putchar_pre X3 w X2).
+ destruct X as (m0 & _ & w).
exact (X1 = [] /\ m0 = X3 /\ getchar_pre X3 w X2).
if_tac in X; [|if_tac in X; last contradiction]; destruct X as (m & w).
+ exact (X1 = [Vubyte (fst w)] /\ m = X3 /\ putchar_pre X3 w X2).
+ exact (X1 = [] /\ m = X3 /\ getchar_pre X3 w X2).
- simpl; intros ??? ot ???.
destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|contradiction]].
+ destruct X as (m0 & _ & w).
destruct X1; [|exact False].
destruct v; [exact False | | exact False | exact False | exact False | exact False].
exact (ot <> AST.Tvoid /\ putchar_post m0 X3 i w X2).
+ destruct X as (m0 & _ & w).
destruct X1; [|exact False].
destruct v; [exact False | | exact False | exact False | exact False | exact False].
exact (ot <> AST.Tvoid /\ getchar_post m0 X3 i w X2).
- intros; exact True.
if_tac in X; [|if_tac in X; last contradiction]; destruct X as (m0 & w).
+ exact (exists r, X1 = Some (Vint r) /\ ot <> AST.Tvoid /\ putchar_post m0 X3 r w X2).
+ exact (exists r, X1 = Some (Vint r) /\ ot <> AST.Tvoid /\ getchar_post m0 X3 r w X2).
- intros; exact True%type.

Definition dessicate : forall ef (jm : juicy_mem), ext_spec_type io_ext_spec ef -> ext_spec_type io_dry_spec ef.
simpl; intros.
destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|destruct (oi_eq_dec _ _); [|assumption]].
- destruct X as [_ X]; exact (m_dry jm, X).
- destruct X as [_ X]; exact (m_dry jm, X).
Context (ext_link : string -> ident)
(ext_link_inj : forall s1 s2, In s1 ["getchar"; "putchar"] -> ext_link s1 = ext_link s2 -> s1 = s2).

Theorem juicy_dry_specs : juicy_dry_ext_spec _ io_ext_spec io_dry_spec dessicate.
split; [|split]; try reflexivity; simpl.
- unfold funspec2pre, dessicate; simpl.
intros ?; if_tac.
+ intros; subst.
destruct t as (? & ? & (c, k)); simpl in *.
destruct H1 as (? & phi0 & phi1 & J & Hpre & Hr & Hext).
destruct e; inv H; simpl in *.
destruct vl; try contradiction; simpl in *.
destruct H0, vl; try contradiction.
unfold SEPx in Hpre; simpl in Hpre.
rewrite seplog.sepcon_emp in Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [_ [Hargs [_ [it [H8 Htrace]]]]].
assert (Harg: v = Vubyte c) by (inv Hargs; auto). clear Hargs.
rewrite Harg.
eapply has_ext_compat in Hext as []; eauto; subst; auto.
eexists; eauto.
+ unfold funspec2pre; simpl.
if_tac; [|contradiction].
intros; subst.
destruct t as (? & ? & k); simpl in *.
destruct H2 as (? & phi0 & phi1 & J & Hpre & Hr & Hext).
destruct e; inv H0; simpl in *.
destruct vl; try contradiction.
unfold putchar_pre; split; auto; split; auto.
unfold SEPx in Hpre; simpl in Hpre.
rewrite seplog.sepcon_emp in Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [_ [Hargs [_ [it [H8 Htrace]]]]].
eapply has_ext_compat in Hext as []; eauto; subst; auto.
eexists; eauto.
- unfold funspec2pre, funspec2post, dessicate; simpl.
intros ?; if_tac.
+ intros; subst.
destruct H0 as (_ & vl & z0 & ? & _ & phi0 & phi1' & J & Hpre & ? & ?).
destruct t as (phi1 & t); subst; simpl in *.
destruct t as (? & (c, k)); simpl in *.
unfold SEPx in Hpre; simpl in Hpre.
rewrite seplog.sepcon_emp in Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [_ [Hargs [_ [it [H8 Htrace]]]]].
edestruct (has_ext_compat _ z0 _ (m_phi jm0) Htrace) as (? & ? & ?); eauto; [eexists; eauto|]; subst.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct H4 as (? & Hmem & ? & Hw); simpl in Hw; subst.
rewrite <- Hmem in *.
rewrite rebuild_same in H2.
unshelve eexists (age_to.age_to (level jm) (set_ghost phi0 (Some (ext_ghost x, NoneP) :: tl (ghost_of phi0)) _)), (age_to.age_to (level jm) phi1'); auto.
{ rewrite <- ghost_of_approx at 2; simpl.
destruct (ghost_of phi0); auto. }
split; [|split].
* eapply age_rejoin; eauto.
intro; rewrite H2; auto.
* exists i.
split3; simpl.
-- split; auto.
-- unfold_lift. split; auto. split; [|intro Hx; inv Hx].
unfold eval_id; simpl. unfold semax.make_ext_rval; simpl.
destruct ot; try contradiction; reflexivity.
-- unfold SEPx; simpl.
rewrite seplog.sepcon_emp.
unfold ITREE; exists x; split; [if_tac; auto|].
{ subst; apply eutt_sutt, Reflexive_eqit_eq. }
eapply age_to.age_to_pred, change_has_ext; eauto.
* eapply necR_trans; eauto; apply age_to.age_to_necR.
+ unfold funspec2pre, funspec2post, dessicate; simpl.
if_tac; [|contradiction].
clear H0.
intros; subst.
destruct H0 as (_ & vl & z0 & ? & _ & phi0 & phi1' & J & Hpre & ? & ?).
destruct t as (phi1 & t); subst; simpl in *.
destruct t as (? & k); simpl in *.
unfold SEPx in Hpre; simpl in Hpre.
rewrite seplog.sepcon_emp in Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [_ [Hargs [_ [it [H8 Htrace]]]]].
edestruct (has_ext_compat _ z0 _ (m_phi jm0) Htrace) as (? & ? & ?); eauto; [eexists; eauto|]; subst.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct H4 as (? & Hmem & ? & Hw); simpl in Hw; subst.
rewrite <- Hmem in *.
rewrite rebuild_same in H2.
unshelve eexists (age_to.age_to (level jm) (set_ghost phi0 (Some (ext_ghost x, NoneP) :: tl (ghost_of phi0)) _)), (age_to.age_to (level jm) phi1'); auto.
{ rewrite <- ghost_of_approx at 2; simpl.
destruct (ghost_of phi0); auto. }
split; [|split].
* eapply age_rejoin; eauto.
intro; rewrite H2; auto.
* exists i.
split3; simpl.
-- split; auto.
-- unfold_lift. split; auto. split; [|intro Hx; inv Hx].
unfold eval_id; simpl. unfold semax.make_ext_rval; simpl.
destruct ot; try contradiction; reflexivity.
-- unfold SEPx; simpl.
rewrite seplog.sepcon_emp.
unfold ITREE; exists x; split; [if_tac; auto|].
{ subst; apply eutt_sutt, Reflexive_eqit_eq. }
eapply age_to.age_to_pred, change_has_ext; eauto.
* eapply necR_trans; eauto; apply age_to.age_to_necR.

Instance mem_evolve_refl : Reflexive mem_evolve.
repeat intro.
destruct (access_at x loc Cur); auto.
destruct p; auto.
Arguments eq_dec : simpl never.

Lemma dry_spec_mem : ext_spec_mem_evolve _ io_dry_spec.
Theorem io_spec_sound : forall `{!VSTGS IO_itree Σ}, ext_spec_entails (IO_ext_spec ext_link) io_dry_spec.
intros ??????????? Hpre Hpost.
simpl in Hpre, Hpost.
simpl in *.
if_tac in Hpre.
- destruct w as (m0 & _ & w).
destruct Hpre as (_ & ? & Hpre); subst.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct Hpost as (? & ? & ?); subst.
- if_tac in Hpre; [|contradiction].
destruct w as (m0 & _ & w).
destruct Hpre as (_ & ? & Hpre); subst.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct Hpost as (? & ? & ?); subst.
intros; apply juicy_dry_spec; last done; intros.
destruct H as [H | [H | ?]]; last done; injection H as <-%ext_link_inj <-; simpl; auto.
- if_tac; last done; intros.
exists (m, w).
destruct w as (c, k).
iIntros "(Hz & _ & %Hargs & H)".
rewrite /SEPx; monPred.unseal.
iDestruct "H" as "(_ & (% & % & Hext) & _)".
iDestruct (has_ext_state with "[$Hz $Hext]") as %<-.
iSplit; first done.
iIntros (???? (r & -> & ? & -> & Hr & Hz')).
iMod (change_ext_state with "[$]") as "($ & ?)".
iIntros "!>"; iExists r.
iSplit; first done.
rewrite /local /= /lift1; unfold_lift.
{ iPureIntro; destruct ty; done. }
iSplit; last done.
iExists z'; iFrame; iPureIntro.
split; last done.
if_tac; subst; done.
- if_tac; last done; intros.
exists (m, w).
iIntros "(Hz & _ & %Hargs & H)".
rewrite /SEPx; monPred.unseal.
iDestruct "H" as "(_ & (% & % & Hext) & _)".
iDestruct (has_ext_state with "[$Hz $Hext]") as %<-.
iSplit; first done.
iIntros (???? (r & -> & ? & -> & Hr & Hz')).
simpl in Hz'.
iMod (change_ext_state with "[$]") as "($ & ?)".
iIntros "!>"; iExists r.
iSplit; first done.
rewrite /local /= /lift1; unfold_lift.
{ iPureIntro; destruct ty; done. }
iSplit; last done.
iExists z'; iFrame; iPureIntro.
split; last done.
if_tac; subst; done.

End IO_Dry.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions progs/io_mem_dry.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Require Import VST.progs64.io_mem_specs.
Require Import VST.progs.io_mem_specs.
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VST.sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import VST.veric.semax_ext.
Require Import VST.veric.SequentialClight.
Require Import VST.progs64.dry_mem_lemmas.
Require Import VST.progs.dry_mem_lemmas.
Require Import VST.veric.mem_lessdef.

Section IO_Dry.
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions progs/io_os_connection.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Require Import VST.zlist.sublist.
Require Import VST.progs.os_combine.
Import ExtLib.Structures.Monad.

Opaque eq_dec.eq_dec.

Local Ltac inj :=
repeat match goal with
| H: _ = _ |- _ => assert_succeeds (injection H); Coqlib.inv H
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,9 +731,10 @@ Section Invariants.
end) evs)).
induction evs as [| ev evs]; cbn -[Zlength]; intros * Hall Hmax Hlen.
{ cbn in *.
{ rewrite app_nil_r.
cbn in *.
replace (Zlength (compute_console' tr)) with CONS_BUFFER_MAX_CHARS by lia.
cbn; auto using app_nil_r.
cbn; auto.
rewrite Zlength_cons in Hlen.
edestruct Hall as (? & ? & ? & ?); eauto; subst.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1913,7 +1916,7 @@ Import functional_base.
split; auto; cbn in *.
rewrite Int.signed_repr by (cbn; lia).
destruct (Coqlib.zeq z1 (-1)); subst; auto.
if_tac; try easy.
destruct (eq_dec.eq_dec _ _); try easy.
rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool by lia.
destruct Hput as (? & [(? & ?) | (? & ?)]); subst; auto; try lia.
rewrite Zmod_small; auto; functional_base.rep_lia.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1985,6 +1988,6 @@ Import functional_base.
- (* trace_itree_match *)

End SpecsCorrect.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion progs/list_dt.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ intros. unfold nullval.
apply lseg_neq.
destruct v; inv H; intuition; try congruence.
intro. apply ptr_eq_e in H.
destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; inv H.
destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:Hp; inv H; try done.
intro. simpl in H.
destruct Archi.ptr64; congruence.
Expand Down

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