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Merge pull request #765 from PrincetonUniversity/VSU
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improved VSU diagnostics; better support for initialized cstring.
closes #763
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andrew-appel authored Apr 8, 2024
2 parents e1db53a + 90c2f23 commit 519d1ac
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Showing 9 changed files with 537 additions and 186 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fcf
202 changes: 188 additions & 14 deletions floyd/VSU.v
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Expand Up @@ -153,11 +153,18 @@ auto.

Ltac SF_vacuous :=
match goal with |- SF _ _ _ (vacuous_funspec _) => idtac end;
repeat (split; [solve[constructor] | ]);
split; [ | eexists; split; compute; reflexivity];
split3; [reflexivity | reflexivity | intros ];
apply semax_vacuous.
try change (fst (?a,?b)) with a; try change (snd (?a,?b)) with b;
match goal with |- SF _ _ _ (vacuous_funspec _) => idtac end;
match goal with H: @eq compspecs _ _ |- _ => rewrite <- H end;
red; red; repeat simple apply conj;
[ reflexivity (* id_in_list ... *)
| repeat apply Forall_cons; (* Forall complete_type fn_vars *)
try apply Forall_nil; reflexivity
| repeat constructor; simpl; rep_lia (* var_sizes_ok *)
| reflexivity (* fn_callconv ... *)
| split3; [reflexivity | reflexivity | intros; apply semax_vacuous] (* semax_body *)
| eexists; split; compute; reflexivity (* genv_find_func *)

Lemma compspecs_ext:
forall cs1 cs2 : compspecs,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,22 +372,22 @@ Qed.
Lemma prove_G_justified:
forall Espec cs V p Imports G,
let SFF := @SF Espec cs V (QPglobalenv p) (Imports ++ G) in
let obligations := filter_options (fun (ix: ident * funspec) => let (i,phi) := ix in
match (QP.prog_defs p) ! i with
| Some (Gfun fd) => Some (SFF i fd phi)
let obligations := filter_options (fun (ix: ident * funspec) =>
match Maps.PTree.get (fst ix) (QP.prog_defs p) with
| Some (Gfun fd) => Some (SFF (fst ix) fd (snd ix))
| _ => None
end) G in
Forall (fun x => x) obligations ->
(forall i phi fd, (QP.prog_defs p) ! i = Some (Gfun fd) ->
find_id i G = Some phi ->
(forall i phi fd, Maps.PTree.get i (QP.prog_defs p) = Some (Gfun fd) ->
initial_world.find_id i G = Some phi ->
@SF Espec cs V (QPglobalenv p) (Imports ++ G) i fd phi).
subst SFF.
rewrite Forall_forall in H.
apply H; clear H.
subst obligations.
apply find_id_e in H1.
apply initial_world.find_id_e in H1.
eapply filter_options_in; try eassumption.
rewrite H0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,6 +515,174 @@ Ltac mkVSU prog internal_specs :=
| _ => fail "mkVSU must be applied to a VSU goal"

Lemma prove_idlists_equiv: forall al bl : list ident,
linking.SortPos.sort al = linking.SortPos.sort bl ->
(forall i, In i al <-> In i bl).
pose proof (linking.SortPos.Permuted_sort al).
pose proof (linking.SortPos.Permuted_sort bl).
rewrite H in H0.
split; intro.
eapply Permutation_in. eapply Permutation_sym. eassumption.
eapply Permutation_in in H2; [ | eassumption]; auto.
eapply Permutation_in. eapply Permutation_sym. eassumption.
eapply Permutation_in in H2; [ | eassumption]; auto.

Fixpoint skip_less_than (a: positive) (bl: list positive) :=
match bl with
| b :: bl' => if Pos.ltb b a then skip_less_than a bl' else bl
| nil => nil

Fixpoint diff_ident_lists al bl :=
match al, bl with
| _, nil => al
| nil, _ => nil
| a :: al', b ::bl' =>
if Pos.ltb a b then a :: diff_ident_lists al' bl
else if Pos.ltb b a
then let bl'' := skip_less_than a bl'
in match bl'' with
| b3 :: bl3 => if Pos.eqb a b3
then diff_ident_lists al' bl3
else a :: diff_ident_lists al' bl''
| nil => a::nil
else diff_ident_lists al' bl'

Ltac ident_diff al bl F :=
let l := constr:(map string_of_ident
(diff_ident_lists (linking.SortPos.sort al)
(linking.SortPos.sort bl))) in
let l := eval compute in l
in F l.

Ltac prove_Comp_G_dom :=
lazymatch goal with |- forall i, In i ?A <-> In i ?B =>
apply prove_idlists_equiv;
try reflexivity;
lazymatch goal with |- ?al = ?bl =>
ident_diff al bl ltac:(fun l =>
ident_diff bl al ltac:(fun r =>
fail "Identifier mismatch!
Present only in" A ":" l "
Present only in" B ":" r))

Ltac mkComponent prog ::=
match goal with |- Component _ _ ?IMPORTS _ _ _ _ =>
let i := compute_list IMPORTS in
let IMP := fresh "IMPORTS" in
pose (IMP := @abbreviate funspecs i);
change_no_check IMPORTS with IMP
let p := fresh "p" in
match goal with |- @Component _ _ _ _ ?pp _ _ _ => set (p:=pp) end;
let HA := fresh "HA" in
assert (HA: PTree_samedom cenv_cs ha_env_cs) by repeat constructor;
let LA := fresh "LA" in
assert (LA: PTree_samedom cenv_cs la_env_cs) by repeat constructor;
let OK := fresh "OK" in
assert (OK: QPprogram_OK p)
by (split; [apply compute_list_norepet_e; reflexivity
| apply (QPcompspecs_OK_i HA LA) ]);
(* Doing the set(myenv...), instead of before proving the CSeq assertion,
prevents nontermination in some cases *)
pose (myenv:= (QP.prog_comp_env (QPprogram_of_program prog ha_env_cs la_env_cs)));
assert (CSeq: _ = compspecs_of_QPcomposite_env myenv
(proj2 OK))
by (apply compspecs_eq_of_QPcomposite_env; reflexivity);
subst myenv;
change (QPprogram_of_program prog ha_env_cs la_env_cs) with p in CSeq;
clear HA LA;
exists OK;
[ check_Comp_Imports_Exports
| apply compute_list_norepet_e; reflexivity || fail "Duplicate funspec among the Externs++Imports"
| apply compute_list_norepet_e; reflexivity || fail "Duplicate funspec among the Exports"
| apply compute_list_norepet_e; reflexivity
| apply forallb_isSomeGfunExternal_e; reflexivity
| prove_Comp_G_dom (*intros; simpl; split; trivial; try solve [lookup_tac]*)
| let i := fresh in let H := fresh in
intros i H; first [ solve contradiction | simpl in H];
repeat (destruct H; [ subst; reflexivity |]); try contradiction
| apply prove_G_justified;
repeat apply Forall_cons; [ .. | apply Forall_nil];
try SF_vacuous
| finishComponent
| first [ solve [intros; apply derives_refl] | solve [intros; reflexivity] | solve [intros; simpl; cancel] | idtac]

Definition Vprog_equiv (V' V: varspecs) :=
fold_right (fun v => Maps.PTree.set (fst v) (snd v)) (Maps.PTree.empty type) V =
fold_right (fun v => Maps.PTree.set (fst v) (snd v)) (Maps.PTree.empty type) V'.

Lemma semax_body_permute_Vprog:
forall V V' {cs: compspecs} G F IS,
Vprog_equiv V' V ->
semax_body V' G F IS -> semax_body V G F IS.
unfold semax_body; intros.
replace (func_tycontext F V G nil) with (func_tycontext F V' G nil); auto.
clear H0.
unfold func_tycontext, make_tycontext.
f_equal; auto.
unfold make_tycontext_g.

Ltac Vprogs_domain_eq :=
lazymatch goal with |- ?m = ?m' =>
let x := constr:(Maps.PTree.map1 (fun _ => tt) m = Maps.PTree.map1 (fun _ => tt) m') in
let x := eval compute in x in

Ltac apply_semax_body P :=
lazymatch goal with |- semax_body ?V ?G ?F (?I, ?S) =>
lazymatch type of P with semax_body ?V' ?G' ?F' ?IS =>
let IS' := eval hnf in IS in
let I' := constr:(fst IS') in
let I' := eval red in I' in
let I := eval simpl in I in
(tryif unify I I' then idtac
else fail 1 "You have provided a semax_body proof for" I' " but required is a semax_body proof for" I);
(tryif change G with G' then idtac
else fail 1 "Lemma" P "has a Gprog argument of" G' "but you have provided" G);
(tryif change F with F' then idtac
else fail 1 "Lemma" P "has a fundef argument of" F' "but you have provided" F);
let S2 := constr:(snd IS) in
(tryif change (I,S) with IS then idtac
else fail 1 "Lemma" P "has a funspec argument of" S "but you have provided" S);
(tryif constr_eq V V' then idtac
else ((apply (semax_body_permute_Vprog V V');
[ compute; Vprogs_domain_eq; reflexivity
| ] )
|| (let a := constr:(map fst V') in
let b := constr:(map fst V) in
let a' := constr:(map string_of_ident a) in let a' := eval compute in a' in
let b' := constr:(map string_of_ident b) in let b' := eval compute in b' in
ident_diff a b ltac:(fun l =>
ident_diff b a ltac:(fun r =>
fail 1 "Lemma" P "has a Vprog argument of" V' "but you have provided" V "
Present only in" V' ":" l "
Present only in" V ":" r "
(if those lists are both empty then the domains are the same but the types differ)")))));
exact P

Ltac solve_SF_internal P :=
apply SF_internal_sound; eapply _SF_internal;
[ reflexivity
Expand All @@ -518,14 +693,13 @@ Ltac solve_SF_internal P :=
rewrite <- CSeq;
clear CSeq OK
(apply P ||
idtac "solve_SF_internal did not entirely succeed, because" P "does not exactly match this subgoal")
apply_semax_body P
| eexists; split;
[ fast_Qed_reflexivity || fail "Lookup for a function identifier in QPglobalenv failed"
| fast_Qed_reflexivity || fail "Lookup for a function pointer block in QPglobalenv failed"
] ].

(*slightly slower*)
(* slower*)
Ltac solve_SF_external_with_intuition B :=
first [simpl; split; intuition; [ try solve [entailer!] | try apply B | eexists; split; cbv; reflexivity ] | idtac].

Expand Down

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