The DMS Navigation widget implements a beautiful tab widget alternative for Qt. The widget is implemented as Qt Widget and not QML.
I use this widget in a private project and decided to publish it beacuase it looks beautiful.
The API implements a set of methods you know from QTabWidget.
int addTab(QWidget* widget, const QString& text);
int addTab(QWidget* widget, const QIcon& icon, const QString& text);
int insertTab(int index, QWidget* widget, const QString& text);
int insertTab(int index, QWidget* widget, const QIcon& icon, const QString& text);
void removeTab(int index);
QString tabText(int index) const;
void setTabText(int index, const QString& text);
QIcon tabIcon(int index) const;
void setTabIcon(int index, const QIcon& icon);
enum HorizontalAlignment { AlignLeft, AlignCenter, AlignRight };
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment() const;
void setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment alignment);
int count() const;
int currentIndex() const;
public slots:
void setCurrentIndex(int index);
Using the widget is pretty simple. This is the example of the GIF you see above.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
DMSNavigation navi;
navi.resize(600, 50);;
navi.addTab(new QTextEdit("The first."), "Text 1");
navi.addTab(new QTextEdit("The second."), "Text 2");
navi.addTab(new QTextEdit("The third."), "Text 3");
return app.exec();
Initial realease.
A special thank goes to thibaut who designed and inspired me. The widget was implemented as HTML and CSS control and I found it on the following site:
Free Software, Hell Yeah!