This package is written an tested on Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic environment. Dependencies are also for this environment.
There are a number of dependencies in this package, since the ARCHIE robot is operated by ROS-Industrial package. Please install all the packages listed below in your Ubuntu PC, in the given order. These packages can be installed by apt
package manager.
- ros-noetic-desktop-full
- ros-noetic-industrial-core
- ros-noetic-industrial-msgs
- ros-noetic-industrial-robot-client
- ros-noetic-industrial-robot-simulator
- ros-noetic-industrial-utils
- ros-noetic-moveit
- ros-noetic-joint-state-publisheser-gui
- ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller
Now, extract the metapackage robotic_arm
(this repository) into ~/{your_workspace_name}/src
. In this example catkin_make
will be used as the workspace name. The step-to-step can be found at the official ROS page. To clone the repository you can either download it as zip file and paste at ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
To source your workspace write the following command in terminal, if you don't do it your terminal won't find the workspace's packages:
source devel/setup.bash
It is necessary to write the command at every terminal your going to use, if you don't want to write it every time make the following steps:
gedit ~/.bashrc
A text editor will open, go to the last line and write the next:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
To make the FK and IK this project uses MoveIt!, it is not included at the full ROS installation, so you can install it with binary install:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-moveit
First you need the pip tool for the next installations, then:
sudo pip install -U numpy
sudo pip install spatialmath-rospy
sudo pip install spatialmath-python
These projects belong respectively to SpatialMath Rospy and SpatialMath Python.
To use the gripper for ARCHIE you need to install the next library:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-control ros-noetic-ros-controllers
If you are going to work at the PWM mode:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-kdl-parser-py
pip install pybind11
You need to install the orocos_kinematics_dynamics repository in your workspace $catkin_ws/src
. The installation instructions can be found in the orocos repository.
- archie_description: This package contains the URDF and XACRO files for diferents configuration of the robot.
- archie_master: This pasckage contains a diferrents examples of motion used MoveIt of the real robot.
- archie_moveit: This package contains the diferent MoveIt configuration of diferents configuration of the robot
- communication: This package contains the executable to set up the communication between the robot and the U2D2 controller.
Launch the robot visualization Rviz
roslaunch archie_description display.launch
Launch the robot with Moveit configuration
roslaunch archie_moveit demo.launch
Launch the robot visualization with MoveIt and the move_arm_node
roslaunch archie_moveit move_arm_rviz.launch
Run the executable python file to watch ARCHIE moving, for example:
roslaunch archie_master write_word.launch
2.1. You could also run:
roslaunch archie_master plan.launch
- Launch the robot in gazebo
roslaunch archie_gazebo archie_gazebo.launch
The real robot work with the communication package to communicate with the controller and the archie_moveit package for precaution collision in our workspace or environment
Setup the Robot, turn on and connect the USB cable to your computer.
Give the permissions to the terminal to use the USB port every time we launch a new terminal
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
Launch the robot communication
roslaunch communication communication.launch
In another terminal launch MoveIt with Rviz:
roslaunch archie_moveit move_arm_rviz.launch
Run the executable python file we would like to use, for example:
roslaunch archie_master write_word.launch