This package is written an tested on Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic environment. Dependencies are also for this environment.
There are a number of dependencies in this package, since the ABB robot is operated by ROS-Industrial package. Please install all the packages listed below in your Ubuntu PC, in the given order. These packages can be installed by apt
package manager.
- ros-noetic-desktop-full
- ros-noetic-industrial-core
- ros-noetic-industrial-msgs
- ros-noetic-industrial-robot-client
- ros-noetic-industrial-robot-simulator
- ros-noetic-industrial-utils
- ros-noetic-moveit
- ros-noetic-joint-state-publisheser-gui
- ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller
The following packages are also neccesary but you must install it by cloning from the github repository and building your workspace.
- ros-melodic-abb
- ros-noetic-abb-driver
We also need to install the following projects to make the trajectories.
sudo pip install spatialmath-rospy
sudo pip install spatialmath-python
sudo pip install -U numpy
These projects belong respectively to SpatialMath Rospy and SpatialMath Python.
Now, Extract the metapackage IRB2600-ABB
into ${ros_workspace}/src
. catkin_make
your workspace.
We also need to add the ABB repository from
ROS-Industrial into ${ros_workspace}/src
WARNING: If you planing use grippers with this robot. You need copy the gripper package (In construction)
*If you want control with the joystick control. You need install: sudo pip install ds4drv
- irb2600_description: This package contains the URDF and XACRO files for diferents configuration of the robot with grippers.
- irb2600_master: This pasckage contains a diferrents examples of motion used MoveIt and the joystick&keyboard control of the real robot.
- irb2600_vrep (In construction): This package contains the communication with V-REP simulator including examples and scenes
- irb2600_configuration_moveit: This package contains the diferent MoveIt configuration of diferents configuration of the robot
Open terminal and roscore
and Enter
Launch the robot visualization Rviz
roslaunch irb2600_description irb2600_display.launch
Launch the robot with Moveit configuration
roslaunch irb2600_moveit demo.launch
- Launch the robot in gazebo
roslaunch irb2600_gazebo irb2600_gazebo.launch
The real robot work with the moveit_configuration package for precaution collision in our workspace or environment (In construction)
Setup the Robot and turn on.
Launch the robot
roslaunch irb2600_description real_robot.launch
If you requires to launch the Gazebo empty world
roslaunch irb2600_gazebo irb2600_gazebo.launch
To command the robot from the command prompt, send the joint configuration
rosrun irb2600_master 0 0 0 0 0 0
este para correr sin gazebo
roslaunch irb2600_description real_robot.launch robot:=true