Bumped version of geoshape to 1.4
Removed notifications to [email protected]
Updated war file downloads through
Pegged stigs and rogue-scripts repos to a release
Removed unused rogue version variable from default.rb
Support for django-classification-banner, 1.0.5
Update negation logic when loading fixtures to not run when given an empty array.
Fix typo in the default 'REGISTRATION_OPEN' variable.
Disable gzip compression in Geoserver (needed because of a known GeoGIG bug).
Add NOTIFICATION_LOCK_LOCATION variable to the template.
Deny access to routes with un-used script extension in Nginx (asp[x], php, jsp, cgi, and pl).
Support for running in SSL.
Add security headers to prevent clickjacking and XSS in the default nginx configuration.
Disable the default nginx site configuration by default.
Fix bug where the BROKER_URL was not being populated in update_templates.
Parameterize the CONN_MAX_AGE Django DB setting.
You can’t perform that action at this time.