A modern, thread-safe MongoDB migration engine for C#
- 🔒 Thread-safe: Can be run by multiple services simultaneously
- 🔄 Guaranteed single execution for each migration
- 📚 Support for multiple database migrations
- ⚙️ Flexible configuration options
- 🚀 Easy integration with ASP.NET Core
To get started, define the migrations in an assembly.
// Define a migration
public class TestMigration : IMigration
public DateOnly Date => new(2024, 10, 10);
public short Version => 1;
public string Name => "Test Migration";
public async Task Migrate(IMongoDatabase database, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await database.CreateCollectionAsync(nameof(TestMigration), options: null, cancellationToken);
Then, register the migrations in the host and define at least one database to migrate.
// Register dependencies on the host
host.AddMongoDbMigrations(builder => builder.WithDatabase("default").WithMigrationsInAssemblyOfType<TestMigration>);
// Run the migrations
await host.MigrateMongoDb();