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Performance testing

Toby Dylan Hocking edited this page Sep 24, 2024 · 32 revisions

This page describes the plan for performance testing -- what we do to check that merging a PR will not make the code slower.

atime overview and example

We use atime on GitHub actions for performance testing.

A performance test template is

  # Comments with links to related issues/PRs (delete this line)
  # Issue with FUN short description
  # Caused by TODO add PR link or delete this line if cause unknown
  # test case adapted from which is the fix PR.
  "Short test name" = atime::atime_test(
    # arguments (N, setup, expr, to pass to atime_versions (delete this line)
    N = 10^seq(5, 7),
    setup = {
        L =, 1L, 0.5)))
        setkey(L, V1)
    expr = {
        data.table:::`[.data.table`(L, , .SD)
    Slow = "cacdc92df71b777369a217b6c902c687cf35a70d", # Parent of the first commit ( in the PR ( that fixes the issue 
    Fast = "353dc7a6b66563b61e44b2fa0d7b73a0f97ca461" # Last commit in the PR ( that fixes the issue 

Note above that each SHA1 git version is specified with an argument name which will appear in the output, and a comment so we can later understand where the SHA1 came from.

  • If there is a historical commit/PR known to have caused a regression, then use the argument names Before, Regression, Fixed. Before and Fixed should be fast and Regression should be slow.
  • If there is no known point in the past which was fast, then use the argument names Fast and Slow. Fast is a new version after the fix, and Slow is an old version before the fix.
  • You can include additional historical references if relevant. For example in the parent of the first commit was in 2020 (Slower old), and the parent on master of the last commit was in 2024 (Slow new), and the fix was faster than both. So three historical references are relevant (Slower old, Slow new, Fast). But make sure to use the names Slow/Fast, or Before/Regression/Fixed, which are assigned special colors, whereas any other names are shown in grey.
  • Historical references must be in non-deleted branches. So please avoid deleting branches that may be relevant for performance tests. If you get an error like below, it means you need to find the relevant PR on github and click "Restore branch" button.
Error in revparse_single(object, branch): Error in 'git2r_revparse_single': Requested object could not be found
 when trying to checkout 353dc7a6b66563b61e44b2fa0d7b73a0f97ca461

Also you should use data.table:::`[.data.table`(x,i,j) instead of x[i,j] because atime tests different versions by substituting data.table:: with data.table.someSHAversion:: (a different package name is created and installed for each version, and to have that package work you need to provide a special because of the particularities of data.table,

Also if there is some issue/PR comment with benchmark code that was used to derive the atime test, please include a link, as above test case adapted from which is the fix PR.

Documentation of historical commits

For each historical commit, make sure the corresponding comment has links to github web pages where we can see where this SHA1 came from. There are two such types of links

Why do we include historical references at all? Don't they just add visual clutter?

Discussion from

It is true that Slow and Fast (and other historical references) are not strictly necessary to see future regressions, and they could add visual clutter, but they also essential to answer an important question: is the current performance as good/bad (or better than) the bad/good performance we have seen in the past? (at the time the issue was created/fixed)

the bad performance might still clutter things up in other PRs. After all, we fixed it! ...

you are right about the clutter but the benefit of being able to easily/immediately see the historical references outweighs the drawback of clutter.

We want to be able to see if future changes undo the historical fix. most of the time all of the different versions in a PR will all be the same as the "Fast" or "Fixed" commit but if there is some difference, we want to be able to easily/immediately see if it is as bad as we saw when the fix PR was merged.

A great example is the setDT performance test, which currently shows the result below. Without the "Slow" reference we may wonder if CRAN is faster or slower than the historical bad performance we had seen in the past. But with that reference it is clear that CRAN performance is the same as the historical bad performance that we are trying to fix. image

Running locally

  • To run all performance tests locally on your machine, use atime::atime_pkg("path/to/data.table",".ci") which will save result figures to the data.table/.ci/atime directory -- the main result figure is tests_all_facet.png.
  • To run a single performance test on your machine, just copy the same arguments as atime_test to atime_versions,
vinfo <- atime::atime_versions(
  pkg.path="path/to/data.table", =, 
  N = 10^seq(1, 7, by=0.5),
  setup = {
    L =, 1L, 0.5)))
    setkey(L, V1)
  expr = {
    data.table:::`[.data.table`(L, , .SD)
  Slow = "cacdc92df71b777369a217b6c902c687cf35a70d", # Parent of the first commit ( in the PR that fixes the issue 
  Fast = "353dc7a6b66563b61e44b2fa0d7b73a0f97ca461" # Last commit in the PR ( that fixes the issue 
refs <- atime::references_best(vinfo)
pred <- predict(refs)

Alternatively you can actually evaluate the code in atime/tests.R and then use as below

vinfo <-, c(test.list[["setDT improved in #5427"]], pkg.path="path/to/data.table"))

Or, since atime-2024.9.23, you can use the code below <- atime::atime_pkg_test_info("path/to/data.table") #meta-data about test cases (not run yet) <-$[["memrecycle regression fixed in #5463"]] #un-evaluated call to atime_versions()
one.result <- eval( #runs atime_versions()

Past issues

Performance testing was done in some cases:

The discussions/code above make use of the atime R package, which can measure time/memory for different versions of data.table, so we can use it to compare master to release to PR.

  • Michael says that it is important to run perf tests on several platforms - link and on GitHub CI as of 2024 we are actually only using Linux.
  • The doc says that win/mac/linux images are provided by GitHub Actions.

Related team

A team, Performance Testers is assigned to one who is actively involved with the performance testing aspects of data.table. Responsibilities that fall under this specialized role can include, but are not restricted to:

  • Evaluating the scalability of data.table functions to track how they perform as datasets grow asymptotically.
  • Running comparative performance benchmarks to portray the relative efficiency of operations, i.e., in contrast to other packages that achieve similar functionality as data.table.
  • Writing open-source material like blog posts to document such (with code to run the benchmarks provisioned therein), as they would tend to be a great resource for the community. Examples: df-atime-figures, df-partial-match
  • Designing test scenarios to measure performance, such as handling large datasets, performing complex queries, having concurrent operations, etc.
  • Staying informed with the latest developments in R programming and performance testing methodologies to bring such updates to data.table.