To allow the IP Address which can access the codeigniter pages.
/INSTALLATION*****/ 1.Copy the files from CI_HOST_ALLOW/libraries/Host_allow_lib.php => Your_PROJECT/application/libraries Copy the file from CI_HOST_ALLOW/config/host_allow.php => Your_PROJECT/application/config
2.Open your autoload.php inside YOUR_PROJECT/application/config/autoload.php Find :
$autoload['config'] = array(); //Replace the line with $autoload['config'] = array('host_allow');
3.Open Your Controller file where you want to restrict other ip and allow your ip address use the code insde the function
function demo_of_allowed_method() {
// load the library
//evaluate the reponse
if(!$this->host_allow_lib->validate($this->config->item('host_allow'))) {
echo "Nope....".$this->host_allow_lib->get_error();
} else {
echo "Yes!! You are allowed to have access";