#Wunderground Python API wrapper WunderPython is an API wrapper for the Wunderground API.
$ pip install WunderPython --pre
The '--pre' option is requierd because there is currently no version marked as stable.
##Requirements Python 2
##Usage Import the library
>>> from wunderpython import wunderground
Create an instance of the API wrapper
>>> wg = wunderground.Wunderground('your secret api key')
Find a location
>>> wg.search(’Munich, G’)
[’Munich, Germany’, ’Munich, Grenada’]
Get a info about a location
>>> location = wg['Munich, Germany']
>>> location.name
'Munich, Germany'
>>> # getting the latitude and longitude
>>> location.ll
48.130001 11.700000
Get a data feature
>>> conditions = location.conditions
>>> conditions[’temperature_string’]
64 F (18 C)
Supported features are: ['alerts', 'almanac', 'astronomy', 'conditions', 'forecast', 'forecast10day', 'hourly', 'hourly10day', 'rawtide', 'satellite', 'tide', 'webcams']
Access historical data
>>> pastDay = location.history[’2009.06.23’]
>>> pastDay[’observations’][0][’tempi’]
##Examples Some examples that can be used in IPython Notebook.
###Compare the mean temperature of several cities
from wunderpython import wunderground
wg = wunderground.Wunderground('your secret api key')
from pandas import *
x = []
ds = {}
for city in wg['Munich, Germany', 'New York City, New York', 'Changde, China']:
ds[city.name] = []
for day in city.history['2014.06.01':'2014.07.01']:
dailysummary = day['dailysummary'][0]
if dailysummary['date']['year']+'.'+dailysummary['date']['mon']+'.'+dailysummary['date']['mday'] not in x:
df = DataFrame(ds, x)
print df.plot(rot = 90)
###Compare wind and pressure
from wunderpython import wunderground
wg = wunderground.Wunderground('your secret api key')
from pandas import *
x = []
ds = {
for day in wg['Munich, Germany'].history['2014.05.02':'2014.05.05']:
for observation in day['observations']:
df = DataFrame(ds, x)
df.wspdm.plot(rot = 90)
Before running the tests you have to replace no_valid_key
with your API Key in tests/test_wunderpython.py
Then you can run the tests with:
python tests/test_wunderpython.py
- Terms of Service
- Developed with Wunderground API Version 0.1, Python 2.7 and IPython Notebook 3.0.
Features not yet supported:
- currenthurricane
- geolookup
- planner
- yesterday
Also WunderMap Layers are not yet supported.