Made By Tonmoy Islam
This is a Curd Application Project Made with Laravel 10,
- Post create update show delate functionlaty.
Bootstrap v5.1 Examples (Used Some of these as boiler plate)
And Familiarity with Laravel, Can't remember anything else...
- Composer v2.2.3^
- Git
- Laravel v10.x
- Wamp (I used Wamp you can use Similar ones)
- Can't remember anything else...
- Open Cmd in folder you want to install project in...
- Type below Command and hit enter...
git clone
- Then cd into folder using below Command
cd curd-laravel-10
Note from here On, You can also use Terminal from VS Code or Your IDE...
- Use below command to install all dependencies then wait till all process is complete...
composer install
- Duplicate .env.example as .env file
- Fill information of your DB username and password & other info if needed...
- Create DataBase by PhpMyadmin (provided by Wamp) or Any Other DB you use...
Note DataBase name should be same as typed in .env file
I recommend to import DB structure Using
php artisan
method but you can use .sql file to import if you want.
- Use below Command and wait till all migrations complete...
php artisan migrate
- Use below Command to Link Storage to Public folder
php artisan storage:link
- Use below Command ( Wamp/Other Should be Runnig ) to run project...
php artisan serve
if some key related error appears then use command
php artisan key:generate
to generate AppKey.
I am writing this documentaion while this project is still in making, because I was bored...
I will add more soon, If my mind says, lol...
If You are still reading, then Thanks and Welcome...
Hope My project helps you any ways...