Welcome to the SaladCloudImdsSdk SDK documentation. This guide will help you get started with integrating and using the SaladCloudImdsSdk SDK in your project.
- API version:
- SDK version:
The SaladCloud Instance Metadata Service (IMDS). Please refer to the SaladCloud API Documentation for more details.
This SDK is compatible with the following versions: Java >= 1.8
If you use Maven, place the following within the dependency tag in your pom.xml
If you use Gradle, paste the next line inside the dependencies block of your build.gradle
implementation group: com.salad.cloud, name: imds-sdk, version: 0.9.0-alpha.4
If you use JAR files, package the SDK by running the following command:
mvn compile assembly:single
Then, add the JAR file to your project's classpath.
You can set a custom timeout for the SDK's HTTP requests as follows:
import com.salad.cloud.imdssdk.SaladCloudImdsSdk;
import com.salad.cloud.imdssdk.config.SaladCloudImdsSdkConfig;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SaladCloudImdsSdkConfig config = SaladCloudImdsSdkConfig.builder().timeout(10000).build();
SaladCloudImdsSdk saladCloudImdsSdk = new SaladCloudImdsSdk(config);
Below is a comprehensive example demonstrating how to authenticate and call a simple endpoint:
import com.salad.cloud.imdssdk.SaladCloudImdsSdk;
import com.salad.cloud.imdssdk.models.ContainerStatus;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SaladCloudImdsSdk saladCloudImdsSdk = new SaladCloudImdsSdk();
ContainerStatus response = saladCloudImdsSdk.metadataService.getContainerStatus();
The SDK provides various services to interact with the API.
Below is a list of all available services with links to their detailed documentation:
Name |
MetadataService |
The SDK includes several models that represent the data structures used in API requests and responses. These models help in organizing and managing the data efficiently.
Below is a list of all available models with links to their detailed documentation:
Name | Description |
ReallocateContainer | Represents a request to reallocate a container. |
ContainerStatus | Represents the health statuses of the running container. |
ContainerToken | Represents the identity token of the running container. |
This SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for more details.