Bake 2.4
This version includes the following new features:
- Improved include file structure, allowing bake projects to be more easily built with other build systems
- Add gcov integration and "bake coverage" command for quick coverage analysis
- Add "bake test" command for executing all tests in a tree
- Add "bake runall" command
- Add "bake reset" command which resets the bake environment to its initial state
- Add run-prefix option that lets bake processes be ran with tools like valgrind
- Add test_expect_abort function to test framework for testing functionality that aborts
- Add test_bool function
- Add "perf" configuration for doing performance tests
- Allow for testcases to be quarantined
This version contains the following improvements:
- Prefix library setting packages with bake
- Show possible solution for fixing errors in "bake list" command
- Reset bake environment on setup
- Make bake.util optional when building with bake
This version contains the following bugfixes:
- Reset ut_threadTlsCount after deinit
- Free locks in deinit
- Don't regenerate TLS keys when calling init again