EliteAPI v3.0.0-alpha1257 has been released
dotnet add package EliteAPI --version 3.0.0-alpha1257
EliteHub setup file can be found at the bottom
⭐ New Features
- Dashboard :) #170
- Available property on ship status #140
- Implemented API events #139
- OnStop event #137
- OnCatchedUp event #136
- OnError event #135
- OnStart event #134
- Implements #132 #133
- Set tick frequency through configuration #132
- Is scoopable service #131
- NavRoute.json support #128
- Use GitHub package registry with NuGet #123
- Ability to target specific journal file #120
- Set custom journal directory from code #118
- SupportFileNotFound exception #115
- OutfittingFileNotFound exception #114
- ShipyardFileNotFound exception #113
- CargoFileNotFound exception #112
- MarketFileNotFound exception #111
- StatusFileNotFound exception #110
- EventNotImplemented exception #109
- JournalFileNotFound exception #108
- JournalDirectoryNotFound exception #107
- Buildtools for generating classes from journal entries #106
- Event modules #105
- Compatibility with Dependency Injection #104
- Audio support #95
- Graphics support #94
- Player support #93
- Interactions support #92
- Keybindings support #73
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Unregistered modules should not throw exceptions, but skipped #138
- Exception spam when one of the support files is missing #129
- Status.json file is being targeted as Journal file #127
- Exceptions aren't being handled in startup #119
- Log NuGet version instead of MajorMinorPatch #116
- Total crash when Cargo.json / Shipyard.json files are missing #78
❤️ Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!