Sprocket-carball is an open-source project that combines multiple tools for decompiling Rocket League replays and then analysing them. It is a fork of SaltieRL's carball project, which appears to no longer be maintained.
- Python 3.6.7+ (3.7 and 3.8 included)
- Windows, Mac or Linux
pip install sprocket_carball
git clone https://github.com/SprocketBot/carball
cd carball/
python init.py
git clone https://github.com/SprocketBot/carball
cd carball/
python init.py
git clone https://github.com/SprocketBot/carball
cd carball/
python init.py
sudo python setup.py install
Finally, to publish the package on PyPI
python setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/*
To actually use the package as writ (until we get the protobuf version that we use for generating the pb2 files updated), you'll need to set this environment variable:
In MacOS Catalina, zsh replaced bash as the default shell, which may cause permission issues when trying to run install-protoc.sh
in the above fashion. Simply invoking bash should resolve this issue, like so:
git clone https://github.com/SprocketBot/carball
cd carball/
bash ./_travis/install-protoc.sh
python init.py
Apple's decision to replace bash as the default shell may foreshadow the removal of bash in a future version of MacOS. In such a case, Homebrew users can install protoc by replacing bash ./travis/install-protoc.sh
with brew install protobuf
One of the main data structures used in carball is the pandas.DataFrame, to learn more, see its wiki page.
Decompile and analyze a replay:
import carball
analysis_manager = carball.analyze_replay_file('9EB5E5814D73F55B51A1BD9664D4CBF3.replay',
proto_game = analysis_manager.get_protobuf_data()
# you can see more example of using the analysis manager below
Just decompile a replay to a JSON object:
import carball
_json = carball.decompile_replay('9EB5E5814D73F55B51A1BD9664D4CBF3.replay',
Analyze a JSON game object:
import carball
import gzip
from carball.json_parser.game import Game
from carball.analysis.analysis_manager import AnalysisManager
# _json is a JSON game object (from decompile_replay)
game = Game()
analysis_manager = AnalysisManager(game)
# return the proto object in python
proto_object = analysis_manager.get_protobuf_data()
# return the proto object as a json object
json_oject = analysis_manager.get_json_data()
# return the pandas data frame in python
dataframe = analysis_manager.get_data_frame()
You may want to save carball analysis results for later use:
# write proto out to a file
# read api/*.proto for info on the object properties
with open('output.pts', 'wb') as fo:
# write pandas dataframe out as a gzipped numpy array
with gzip.open('output.gzip', 'wb') as fo:
Read the saved analysis files:
import gzip
from carball.analysis.utils.pandas_manager import PandasManager
from carball.analysis.utils.proto_manager import ProtobufManager
# read proto from file
with open('output.pts', 'rb') as f:
proto_object = ProtobufManager.read_proto_out_from_file(f)
# read pandas dataframe from gzipped numpy array file
with gzip.open('output.gzip', 'rb') as f:
dataframe = PandasManager.read_numpy_from_memory(f)
Carball comes with a command line tool to analyze replays. To use carball from the command line:
carball -i 9EB5E5814D73F55B51A1BD9664D4CBF3.replay --json analysis.json
To get the analysis in both json and protobuf and also the compressed replay frame data frame:
carball -i 9EB5E5814D73F55B51A1BD9664D4CBF3.replay --json analysis.json --proto analysis.pts --gzip frames.gzip
usage: carball [-h] -i INPUT [--proto PROTO] [--json JSON] [--gzip GZIP] [-sd]
[-v] [-s]
Rocket League replay parsing and analysis.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Path to replay file that will be analyzed. Carball
expects a raw replay file unless --skip-decompile is
--proto PROTO The result of the analysis will be saved to this file
in protocol buffers format.
--json JSON The result of the analysis will be saved to this file
in json file format.
--gzip GZIP The pandas dataframe will be saved to this file in a
compressed gzip format.
-v, --verbose Set the logging level to INFO. To set the logging
level to DEBUG use -vv.
-s, --silent Disable logging altogether.
If you want to add a new stat it is best to do it in the advanced stats section of the pipeline. You should look at:
If you want to see the output format of the stats created you can look here
Compile the proto files by running in this directory
(Windows) or setup.sh