- Add support for IRCv3 standard-replies (#354), by @progval
- Add support for SASL EXTERNAL (#352), by @progval
- Add support for invite-notify (#359), by @progval
- Add conf item server-visibility for setting default server visiblity (#361), by @SilverRainZ
- Add support for server-time (#345), by @progval
- Add /clear command for clearing messages of current buffer (#268), by @SilverRainZ
Bug fixes:
- Fix workflow for building MS Windows release artifact (#360), by @lifeibiren
- Make the buffer menu apply to the right-clicked item instead of the active buffer (#353), by progval
- Srain now accepting donations through OpenCollective (https://opencollective.com/srain)
- Disable workflow for building debian release artifact since we have offical debian package (99d9d86)