SMBrowserRNG is a port of @wwwwwwzx's SMEncounterRNGTool for the web browser written in TypeScript.
- Started by the pokeCalcNTR Devs
- Being designed for Desktop and Mobile usage
- Uses Node.js
- Written in TypeScript
- Have Node.js and npm installed
- Clone the repository
- Install the development dependencies using the following command
npm install -d
npm run compile
"compile" will tranpile the project's TypeScipt to JavaScript.
npm run test
"test" does the following things in order:
- This will transpile all the TypeScript to JavaScript
- Browserify this Node.js project to a Browser Compatible JavaScript
- Start a server at where you can view the project working
In addition to this, "test" will watch every .ts file, and will transpile, browserify, and restart the server when one is edited and saved.
npm run build
"build" will transpile the TypeScript to JavaScript, browserify the JavaScript, and save the whole project as "webbundle.js".
Thank you to all of the pokeCalcNTR Patrons!
@imaboy321 (EzPzStreamz) and @Admiral-Fish for helping develop this and pokeCalcNTR with me
Everyone listed in the pokeCalcNTR Thread's Credits
@wwwwwwzx for their work with Gen 7 RNG and building upon PokemonSunMoonRNGTool to make SMEncounterRNGTool