Tech Stack: Netlify, Vite, React TS, Ant Design, Render container (previously Heroku container), Python FastAPI, Render PostgreSQL, Telegram Bot
Backend: Render free instance Docker web service (Shut down when inactive)
Database: Render free tier PostgreSQL (Shut down when inactive)
Alert Bot: Telegram BotFather (As a notifer and backup)
If you have nvm
or npm
available, simply run:
npm install
If you are Docker euthanist, have Docker Desktop on your end:
docker-compose up --build
npm start
docker-compose up # provided you have Docker installed
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Usual terminal commands such as:
npm run format
docker exec -it weddinginvitation npm run format
heroku login
heroku stack:set heroku-22 -a szlyciawedding
Note: This website is now migrated to Netlify
Refer to backend