An app that mixes emojis using Google Emoji Kitchen API mainly inspired from emojimix.
The project is just inactive since I'm not active anymore to maintain it, I appreciate every contribution especially the ones that help to make the app more consistent. Also, there's a to-do list at the bottom with details on what to add/fix if you're interested. it is working
- When scrolling both RecyclerViews fast sometimes shown mixed emojis is wrong.
- Progress bar is hiding for some emojis even when they're not loaded.
- Tapping an emoji should smooth scroll to it instead of making it unclickable.
- The spacing between emojis is not correct.
- We already have emojis release date, so it has to be used to fetch emojis instead of using reverse method to load the emoji as a workaround.
- New emojis have to be added since they were released but not implemented yet. (use emojimix repository and website as a reference).
- UI for this feature.
- Telegram support: this one is easy and shouldn't be a big deal.
- WhatsApp support: this one is tricky to add.
This app uses Google Keyboard emoji kitchen API and all emojis generated in the app are by Google.