JasperReports 6.19.0
improved bulleted and numbered list support in styled text and HTML markup text fields including better indentation and support for nested lists;
support for accessible HTML output using semantic tags for marking up headings (h1 to h6), bulleted and numbered lists, alternate text for images and nested table tags for semantic tables;
support for Groovy closures in report expressions;
honour the EXIF orientation information found in photos taken with mobile digital cameras and thus match the way browsers make use of this information to auto-rotate photos in HTML;
deprecated Castor XML persistence layer used for data adapter files and XML chart theme files by moving it to a separate optional extension artifact (jasperreports-castor) while replacing it in the core library with an equivalent and compatible Jackson XML persistence layer;
introduced the *.jrdax file extension convention for data adapter XML files;
various dependencies upgrades including: Apache POI 5.1.0, Jackson 2.13.1, Apache Log4J 2.17.1, Mozilla Rhino 1.7.14, Spring 5.3.14, HyperSQL 2.6.1 and Jetty 9.4.44;
minor bug fixes and improvements;