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kwitczak edited this page May 3, 2021 · 13 revisions

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who will access the data stored in /archive
  • Anyone who will run pipelines that will output data into /archive
  • Anyone who will want to use datasets from /archive for private analysis

This document briefly describes the usage and purpose of DataLad, the system used in Kimel Lab for versioning and tracking both processed and unprocessed research data.

Preamble: What is DataLad?

Version Control: git and datalad

For a brief primer on version control using git, follow this link. Essentially, git is a system for tracking the changes made to text files. You should be using it to keep track of any code or scripts you write as part of this lab, and you should certainly be using it for any code on which you intend to collaborate with others.

What git is to code and plain text files, datalad is to large data files. In Kimel Lab, we use datalad to track all changes made to the datasets we have access to; in practice, this is (or should be) all files located in /archive/data/[Study].

Practically, this serves the purpose of enhancing reproducibility of research. datalad can be used to ‘lock down’ data files so no changes can be made to them except those which datalad records. It also allows us, via our TIGR_PURR system, to automatically track which version of a pipeline was used and what effects (if any) came from varying the versions of the software we use when processing data.

Also importantly for users, datalad allows the remote sharing of data, much as git does for code; this means that you can use datalad to quickly and painlessly download exactly the data you want, where you want, without also downloading very large amounts of data you may not want. If you’re only interested in working with the T1w files from some study, datalad allows you to remotely acquire only T1w files, without also downloading the entire rest of the study dataset.

Finally, since you will also often be working with data here in the lab but will not have permission to push your results directly back into /archive/data, you should have your own private copy of the data in your /projects directory. Since it needlessly uses disk space for individual users to duplicate entire study directories, datalad provides a convenient system to allow you to acquire only the data you wish to work with.

In practice

Install your first dataset, get your first data

To start using datalad, you need to be ready to use git. If you’re not already a regular git user, now is the time to start. To begin with, we’ll make a .gitconfig file. This file stores information regarding your identity (and other options that aren’t relevant here), which datalad needs to know about so it can track who has done what to the data being shared. If you don’t already have a .gitconfig file, running the following commands from the command line will create yours:

git config --global "FirstName (optional: MiddleInitial) LastName"
git config --global "[email protected]"

This will create the file in your home directory (‘~/.gitconfig’) and add to it the name and e-mail address provided. If you do not have a .gitconfig, some datalad commands will fail, since they check this information to associate you with the updates you make to datasets.

Once we have a .gitconfig we can begin to run some datalad commands. Change directory to your /projects by typing cd /projects/[yourusername] now. We provide a datalad quarantine module, which you should also load now. We’re going to learn to ‘install’ a dataset:

datalad install -s file:///archive/data/ASDD/pipelines/bids_apps/ciftify ASDD_ciftify

This tells datalad to install the dataset located at the source (-s) /archive/data/ASDD/pipelines/bids_apps/ciftify, which contains the ciftify outputs for the ASDD study. This should result in some output like the following:

[INFO   ] Cloning file:///archive/data/ASDD/pipelines/bids_apps/ciftify into '/projects/[yourusername]/ASDD_ciftify'
install(ok): /projects/[yourusername]/ASDD_ciftify (dataset)

You should now have a directory in your /projects by the name of ASDD_ciftify; this is a ‘dataset’. In DataLad parlance, a dataset is either a curated, metadata-enriched store containing a collection of data, or it is a mirror of such a collection. In both cases the dataset always stores metadata information about where the original data is available from; even a dataset which actually contains all the data will keep track of all of its ‘siblings’: remote datasets where additional, duplicate copies of the data are available.

The original /archive/data/ASDD/pipelines/bids_apps/ASDD_ciftify directory contains just over 7GB of data, while your newly installed ‘mirror’ dataset of ciftify contains only about 950MB of data! Why? By default, datalad always avoids actually moving data whenever possible. Instead, it mirrors the original dataset’s directory and file structure, and only stores the corresponding metadata and links that point to the real original location of the data - this way, you can have the data available to you, without actually having to fetch all 7GB of it.

For such a small dataset as ASDD_ciftify, this hardly makes a difference, but for large datasets, the ability to lazily fetch only those data you really want becomes invaluable. Because of this intelligent laziness, datalad install is generally an extremely fast command, even when installing enormous datasets: all it actually copies is the metadata indicating where to fetch the data.

What have we actually got?

Inside this new dataset is an exact copy of the directory tree found originally in /archive/data/ASDD/pipelines/bids_apps/ciftify. Furthermore, some data was, in fact, copied. Let’s take a look:

cd ASDD_ciftify
ls -lh sub-CMHAEF011
total 136K
-rw-r--r-- 1 [yourusername] kimel 128K Mar 10 15:31 cifti_recon_all.log
drwxr-xr-x 1 [yourusername] kimel 2.0K Mar 10 15:31 MNINonLinear
drwxr-xr-x 1 [yourusername] kimel  284 Mar 10 15:31 T1w

The top file, cifti_recon_all.log, is a text file and was, in fact, copied over from the /archive. Because text files are generally very small and extremely sparse compared to neuroscience imaging files and similar, our DataLad configuration ensures that they are always fetched whenever you install a dataset.

This also serves to make installed datasets more human-approachable; text files often contain metadata themselves, and can serve to allow you to read about the contents of the dataset you have just installed via a README file, or peruse log files to learn about success or failure of recent pipelines run over this dataset, allowing you to more easily determine how worthwhile it is to pull specific, large binary data files. Let’s investigate some of those binaries now. Here are some T1ws:

ls -lh sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/T1w*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [yourusername] kimel 210 Mar 10 15:31 sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/T1w_brain.nii.gz -> ../../.git/annex/objects/3F/wk/SHA256E-s2039718--19d57cbf671b27a641fc4d17fdd72ab71f449510740a12ed94605e55779d2d6e.nii.gz/SHA256E-s2039718--19d57cbf671b27a641fc4d17fdd72ab71f449510740a12ed94605e55779d2d6e.nii.gz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [yourusername] kimel 210 Mar 10 15:31 sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/T1w.nii.gz -> ../../.git/annex/objects/FW/gv/SHA256E-s3394192--6529db94d85ae8fc408b25889711ef9a9d53010a9c3f4b90f3bb2049ece2444e.nii.gz/SHA256E-s3394192--6529db94d85ae8fc408b25889711ef9a9d53010a9c3f4b90f3bb2049ece2444e.nii.gz

These rather imposing looking files are the links. DataLad uses them to track precise references to the original data, including its location and content. If you wanted to work with these data, however, you wouldn’t be able to - they don’t exist in this copy of the dataset yet, we only have the links that tell datalad how to acquire them. Let’s get them now!

datalad get sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/T1w*
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/T1w.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/T1w_brain.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
action summary:
  get (ok: 2)

If you ls -lh those files again, you’ll see they’re still links, but the data for those two files and nothing else has now been copied from the /archive to your /projects. What if we want to get all the T1ws from ASDD_ciftify?

datalad get **/T1w*
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/T1w_brain.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/aparc+aseg.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/aparc.a2009s+aseg.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/brainmask_fs.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w/wmparc.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/T1w.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/aparc+aseg.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/aparc.a2009s+aseg.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/brainmask_fs.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/wmparc.nii.gz (file) [from origin...]
  [13 similar messages have been suppressed]
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF011/T1w (directory)
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF015/T1w (directory)
get(ok): sub-CMHAEF012/T1w (directory)
action summary:
  get (notneeded: 5, ok: 26)


The ‘**’ pattern (known, incidentally, as a ‘globstar’), tells datalad to recursively find everything in every directory below the current working directory, and the regular glob pattern ‘*’ after the ‘T1w’ tells datalad to limit its fetches to files with names beginning with T1w. As a general rule, any form of wildcard expansion or pattern matching which is available from the bash shell for matching filenames will work with datalad, making it extremely convenient and economical to fetch all and only the files you want to work with. Having fetched our T1ws, our local installation of the dataset still only contains 1002MB of data. Nice!

If the globstar didn’t work, just throw shopt -s globstar into your ~/.bashrc file, and source /etc/profile. It’s a useful shell option that might not be set for your shell. You can also just run shopt -s globstar to turn it on for this particular shell session, but not future ones. Do this now, as we'll be using globstar to match subsets of files for the rest of his demo.

Working with dataset data

So we’ve run datalad install to install the dataset in ASDD_ciftify, and ran datalad get on all the T1w files into the local copy of our dataset. Everything else other than text files is still just a link and some metadata. That's what we want. Let's say we want to make some changes that systematically update the T1w in a not particularly useful, but pedagogically simple way. Notice we've added a question mark to our pattern - this is just so that we don't try to act on any directories.

shred -vxzn0 **/T1w?*

For the curious, this action will exactly replace the contents of these files with NULs.

If you tried this at home, you won't need me to tell me that they will have all failed with stderr of "Permission denied". This is because, of course, DataLad locks down the files it's saved. In order to do this and totally bork our T1ws, we'll need to unlock them. There are multiple ways of doing this, but we'll focus on only two salient ones: datalad unlock and datalad run.

datalad unlock

Working with files in this way is a three step process. In the first step we unlock the files we want to operate on; in the second step, we perform the desired operation on those unlocked files; and in the third step, we save the new copies of those files to the dataset. Note that this is technically only necessary if we're going to be updating those files in place. datalad unlock is not necessary if the files themselves are going to be unchanged.

datalad unlock **/T1w?*

shred -vxzn0 **/T1w?*

datalad save **/T1w?*

More realistically, in a job script, rather than including pattern matching such has **/T1w?* for every single command expected to modify a dataset file, we'll want to use some command to produce a file list we want to operate on, and store that list in a variable. This is important for readability, but also because actions taken between the datalad unlock and the datalad save commands might cause the **/T1w?* filename pattern to match a different set files depending on when it runs.

That is to say, because this is stateful, state management is important. If your command might create new files, make sure you pop a new variable that includes the newly created filenames; likewise if your job deletes unlocked files, make sure your variable disincludes files that won't be there after your job is done. If files are renamed, make sure you unlock them under the old name and save them under the new name. Using a matching pattern like **/T1w?* each time provides no guarantees of correct behaviour.

flist=`realpath -ms --relative-to=${dataset} **/T1w?*`

datalad unlock $flist
shred -vxzn0 $flist
datalad save $flist

Note that in the above example, we explicitly provide $flist without "doublequotes", since doing so effectively coerces the newlines produced by realpath to spaces, which makes it more suitable for shell parsing.

In the above example, the -s flag allows realpath to grab the symlink's name, rather than following the symlink into the underlying git annex object store, which we don't want to act on, and the -m example allows realpath to grab the symlink names even if there is no underlying git annex object, which is to say, even if we haven't run datalad get to fetch these files yet!

datalad run

Much of this overhead can be automated with the datalad run command. datalad run acts to wrap some other command, accepting a parameter list of filesystem inputs and outputs, flagged on the command line with -i and -o, respectively. It will then ensure the outputs are saved (and possibly unlocked ahead of time, if they already existed).

datalad run -o '**/T1w?*' "shred -vxzn0 {outputs}"

In this example, we've used pattern matching inside 'singlequotes'. Ordinarily this does not work except that in this case these patterns are simply being passed literally to DataLad which performs its own expansion on them, assigning the results of that expansion to internal arrays which can be addressed in the command line passed to datalad run via the parameters {outputs} and {inputs}. If the pattern expanded to more than one file (as we'd normally expect/hope), the individual files can be indexed, in lexicographic order, in the normal way (e.g. via {inputs[0]} being the lexicographical first filename match, and so on).

Essentially, using datalad run in this way is effectively much like handling these file list values yourself, except you offload the issue onto DataLad. In exchange for trusting DataLad to correctly handle the inputs and outputs, a successful datalad run command will make a git commit to the dataset with a commit message featuring a json describing the action taken to perform that commit's changes, looking something like this:

commit f50fd28ea90f63c9daa9f7d8dd78eef7df6e3ff2 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Kevin J Witczak <>
Date:   Fri Aug 21 18:13:59 2020 -0400

    [DATALAD RUNCMD] shred -vxzn0 sub-CMHAEF015/T1w/T1w_brain...

    === Do not change lines below ===
     "chain": [],
     "cmd": "shred -vxzn0 {outputs}",
     "dsid": "12c50458-a7e9-4586-b772-a5dfdb63d6c4",
     "exit": 0,
     "extra_inputs": [],
     "inputs": [],
     "outputs": [
     "pwd": "."
    ^^^ Do not change lines above ^^^

Performing actions with datald run therefore allows you perform datalad rerun commands, in which DataLad parses the commit message and attempts to re-perform the same command. Iff no changes were made as the result of performing this command again, datalad rerun makes no new commit and the dataset remains on the current commit of the current branch. datalad rerun takes a single unflagged argument, the commit id of the a commit made by datalad run (if no commit id is provided, it will use the last commit made by datalad run on the current branch). Other options exist to both allow, for instance, branches to produced or checked out as a result of or as a prerequisite to the performance of a datalad run command. These are flagged with the -b or --branch parameter and the --onto flag.

Creating a new dataset

Finally, we'll look at creating a new dataset. This can be done with the datalad create command.

datalad create new_dataset
[INFO   ] Creating a new annex repo at /projects/[yourusername]/new_dataset
[INFO   ] Scanning for unlocked files (this may take some time)
create(ok): /projects/[yourusername]/new_dataset (dataset)

This will create or accept a directory and initialise it as a DataLad dataset. If a directory does exist and it already contains files, the --force options must be used. Be careful when doing so, since providing no directory name will cause it to attempt to dataladen the current working directory.

DataLad also provides a series of standard config options which can be applied at init time. These can be applied with the datalad create -c option. Multiple -c flags may be used for the same dataset. These apply attributes to the dataset’s .gitattributes file in in order to specify various usage cases. Two useful ones, which we’ll cover briefly, are the bids config and the text2git config.

The bids config adds the following to the dataset’s attributes:

* annex.backend=MD5E
**/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing
.bidsignore annex.largefiles=nothing
CHANGES annex.largefiles=nothing
README annex.largefiles=nothing
code/** annex.largefiles=nothing
dataset_description.json annex.largefiles=nothing

While the text2git config adds the following:

* annex.backend=MD5E
**/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing
* annex.largefiles=((mimeencoding=binary)and(largerthan=0))

Crucially, datasets in our lab should not use * annex.backend=MD5E as an attribute. Unfortunately, DataLad has eliminated the intereface option to specify a backend in recent versions, despite having selected a cryptographically insecure backend. All archive datasets in TIGRLab use SHA256E, the encouraged backend by both git and git annex. When creating any dataset, the following action must be taken, even if you did not specify a configuration with the -c flag:

datalad create new_dataset
sed -i 's/MD5/SHA256/' new_dataset/.gitattributes new_dataset/.git/config

This can be performed at any time before any data has been saved with datalad save. Any work you do with a personally maintained dataset will be expected to be in, or upgraded to, the SHA256E backend before it is accepted into the archive.

Finally, if you choose the text2git config option pushes text files into a regular git repo rather than locking and annexing them can result in large datalad install operations, since files like *.giis, which are text files that contain huge amounts of data and may, in fact, make up the bulk of a dataset’s size, get pulled automatically when installing the dataset. As such, please perform the following action when using this config option:

datalad create -c text2git new_dataset
sed -i 's/and/or/;s/=0/=1024/;s/MD5/SHA256/' new_dataset/.gitattributes new_dataset/.git/config

Doing so will configure that only small text files to be placed directly in the repo, ensuring against massive, potentially very data-intensive datalad install operations.

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