Install via nuget install-package Gibe.DittoProcessors
Processor | Description |
AbsoluteUrlAttribute | Return the UrlAbsolute of an IPublishedContent |
AncestorAttribute | Get an ancestor of the current content by alias or depth |
ArchetypeStringList | Output archetype content as IEnumerable of string |
Children | Return the children of docttypeAlias as IEnumerable of string |
ContentPicker | Return the IPublishedContent linked to by the content picker |
ContentPickerToUrl | Return the URL of the IPublishedContent linked to by the content picker |
DropdownMultiple | Return options as IEnumerable of string |
FilePicker | Return the selected file as MediaFileModel |
GetPreValueAsString | |
Grid | Return the grid as GridContentModel |
LinkPicker | Return the link picker data type data as LinkPickerModel |
Media | Return the selected media as IPublishedContent |
MetaSEO | Return the Meta SEO data type data as MetaModel |
MultiNodeTreePicker | Return the selected nodes as IEnumerable of IPublishedContent |
MultipleMediaPicker | Return the selected images as IEnumerable of IPublishedContent |
Parent | Return the current contents parent as IPublishedContent |
RelatedLinks | Return related links as RelatedLinkModel |
Radiobox | Return a string based on radio PreValueId (generated by Umbraco) |
StringIsNotEmpty | Return a bool check for !String.IsNullOrEmpty(string) |
StringToCssClass | Return a string as a string without special characaters |
StringToMd5Hash | Return a string as MD5 hash string |
Tags | Return tags as IEnumerable of string |
Url | Return the Url of an IPublishedContent |
UserPicker | Return the selected user as IUser |
VideoPicker | Return the Url of an IPublishedContent |
Install via nuget install-package Gibe.DittoServices