The Mechanist is a collection of Dockerfiles and Composefiles for various tools and purposes. The Dockerfiles provided here are written to be clean, lightweight, readable and extensible by other users according to their needs. The Compose files using these Dockerfiles can be used as provided but are made to be be updated for other purposes. This repository is intended to evolve with new files and updates.
Do you know you designed a cheap logo for a bunch of Dockerfiles ?
I do.Nice thing that I can override arguments you placed in "CMD" but I cannot modify the "ENTRYPOINT" you provide.
You can override it by using the `--entrypoint` argument of `docker run`. More info [here]( file provided here is available under the MIT License.
If you encouter any issue by using what is provided here, please let me know ! Help me to improve by sending your thoughts to [email protected] !