This project is a survey management system built with Fiber (a fast web framework for Go) and Casbin (for role-based access control). The system allows users to create surveys, answer surveys, and manage survey data. Different roles (Superadmin, Admin, Owner, User) have specific permissions to access and manage surveys and answers.
- Survey Management: Users can create, start, finish, and manage surveys.
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Different roles (Superadmin, Admin, Owner, User) are assigned specific permissions to manage surveys, answers, and user access.
- Casbin: Used for enforcing role-based permissions and access control.
- Fiber: Used for building the web server and handling HTTP requests.
# Build & up containers
make up
# Down containers
make down
# To build a container. You can pass CONTAINER & FLAGS.
make build CONTAINER=container_name FLAGS=--no-cache
# Run docker attached logs.
make logs
# Rebuild all the stack
make rebuild
│─── cmd
│ └─── main.go
│─── api
│ │─── http
│ │ │─── server.go
│ │ └─── routes..
│ └─── service
│ └─── route services..
│─── config
│ │─── read.go
│ └─── type.go
│─── build
│ │─── elk
│ │ │─── setup
│ │ │─── elasticsearch
│ │ │ │─── config
│ │ │ │ └─── elasticsearch.yml
│ │ │ └─── Dockerfile
│ │ │─── extensions
│ │ │ └─── fleet
│ │ │ │ │─── Dockerfile
│ │ │ │ └─── fleet-compose.yml
│ │ │─── logstash
│ │ │ │─── config
│ │ │ │ └─── logstash.yml
│ │ │ │─── pipeline
│ │ │ │ └─── logstash.conf
│ │ │ └─── Dockerfile
│ │ │─── kibana
│ │ │ │─── config
│ │ │ │ └─── kibana.yml
│ │ │ └─── Dockerfile
│ │ │─── docker-compose.yaml
│ │ └─── .env
│ │─── redis
│ │ ├─── docker-compose.yaml
│ │ └─── .env
│ │─── postgres
│ │ ├─── docker-compose.yaml
│ │ └─── .env
│ └─── project
│ ├─── Dockerfile
│ ├─── docker-compose.yaml
│ └─── .env
│─── internal
│ └─── services...
│─── pkg
│ ├─── adapters
│ │ ├─── cache
│ │ │ └─── redis.go
│ │ └─── storage
│ │ │─── mapper
│ │ │─── types
│ │ └─── repository files...
│ ├─── postgres
│ │ └─── gorm.go
│ ├─── cache
│ │ ├─── provider.go
│ │ └─── serialization.go
│ ├─── logger
│ └─── jwt
│ ├─── claims.go
│ └─── auth.go
│─── tests
│─── config.json
│─── sample-config.json
│─── go.mod
│─── go.sum
│─── .gitignore
└─── Makefile