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Saved queues

Petteri Kautonen edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

Saved queues dialog

In the saved queues dialog saved queues can be modified and loaded to the track list. The queue snapshots are sort of mini playlists inside an album of tracks.

To create a queue simply add tracks to the queue in the track list and then save the queue from the Queue menu. Queues can also be created during playback using the alternate queue which is not modified by the playback.

In the Saved queues dialog a queue can be:

  • Deleted using the delete button


  • The tracks in the queue can be reordered and delete using the edit button, this opens a new dialog


  • Load queue button loads the queue erasing the current queue from the album

  • Append to queue button loads the queue after the current queue to the album

  • Insert to queue start button inserts the selected queue on top of the current queue to the album and shifts the previous queue downwards

  • Save & Close button saved the changes made in this dialog. The changes include queue renaming and deletions

There is also a possibility to copy the saved queue audio files to a flat directory structure into user-specified folder. To copy the audio files, select the Copy track files to folder... button,


The Saved queues dialog


Modify queue dialog

Tracks can be reordered and deleted from the queue in this dialog.

The arrow up button moves the selected track upwards in the queue.


The arrow down button moves the selected track downwards in the queue.


The delete button deletes the selected track from the queue.


The Save & Close button saves the data. No deletions or re-orderings are applied if the changes are not saved.

Modify queue dialog


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