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repair FST-to-OC
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pmbittner committed Apr 5, 2024
1 parent 8a03b95 commit 12167af
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 165 deletions.
264 changes: 99 additions & 165 deletions src/Translation/Lang/FST-to-OC.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ module Translation.Lang.FST-to-OC (F : 𝔽) where

open import Size using (Size; ↑_; _⊔ˢ_; ∞)

open import Data.Nat using (_≟_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; map)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (yes; no; _because_; False)
open import Relation.Binary using (Decidable; DecidableEquality; Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
Expand All @@ -16,171 +18,103 @@ V = Rose ∞
mkArtifact = Artifact∈ₛRose
Option = F

open import Framework.Relation.Expressiveness V

open import Framework.VariabilityLanguage
open import Construct.Artifact as At using ()
import Lang.FST as FST
-- open FST F using (FST; induction; fst-leaf)

open import Framework.Relation.Expressiveness V

-- module _ {A : 𝔸} (_==_ : DecidableEquality A) where
-- open FST.Impose F _==_ using (SPL; _◀_; Feature; _::_; FSF; _⊚_)

-- -- translate-o : ∀ {i} → A → OC i A → Feature
-- -- translate-o a (b OC.-< cs >-) = {!!}
-- -- translate-o a (O OC.❲ e ❳) = {!!}

-- -- left is base
-- mutual
-- embed : FST A → OC ∞ A
-- embed = induction OC._-<_>-

-- merge-trees : F → List (OC ∞ A) → F → FST A → List (OC ∞ A)
-- merge-trees _ [] P t = P ❲ embed t ❳ ∷ []
-- merge-trees O (a OC.-< as >- ∷ inter) P (b FST.-< bs >-) with a == b
-- ... | yes refl = a OC.-< merge O as P bs >- ∷ inter
-- ... | no nope = O ❲ a OC.-< as >- ❳ ∷ merge-trees O inter P (b FST.-< bs >-)
-- merge-trees O (Q ❲ e ❳ ∷ inter) P t = Q ❲ e ❳ ∷ merge-trees O inter P t

-- {-# TERMINATING #-}
-- merge : F → List (OC ∞ A) → F → List (FST A) → List (OC ∞ A)
-- merge _ ls _ [] = ls
-- merge O ls P (t ∷ ts) = merge O (merge-trees O ls P t) P ts

-- record Intermediate : Set where
-- constructor _:o:_
-- field
-- name : F
-- children : List (OC ∞ A)

-- translate' : List Intermediate → List (OC ∞ A)
-- translate' [] = []
-- translate' ((_ :o: cs) ∷ []) = cs
-- translate' ((O :o: os) ∷ (P :o: ps) ∷ xs) = translate' ({!merge!} ∷ xs)

-- fromFeature : Feature → Intermediate
-- fromFeature (O :: (ts ⊚ _)) = O :o: map embed ts

-- start : List Feature → List Intermediate
-- start = map fromFeature

-- translate : SPL → WFOC ∞ A
-- translate (a ◀ fs) = Root a (translate' (start fs))

module _ (mkDec : (A : 𝔸) DecidableEquality A) where
data FeatureName : Set where
X : FeatureName
Y : FeatureName

open import Data.Bool using (true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Nat using (zero; suc; ℕ)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs using (AllPairs; []; _∷_)
open import Framework.VariantMap V ℕ

import Lang.OC
open Lang.OC FeatureName using (OC; _❲_❳; WFOC; Root; opt; Configuration)
open Lang.OC.Sem FeatureName V mkArtifact

open FST FeatureName using (_._)
open FST.Impose FeatureName (mkDec ℕ) using (SPL; _◀_; _::_; _⊚_; unq) renaming (⟦_⟧ to FST⟦_⟧)
open FST.Framework FeatureName mkDec

open import Data.EqIndexedSet
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)

open import Data.Product using (_,_; ∃-syntax)
open import Util.Existence using (¬Σ-syntax)

counterexample : VMap 3
counterexample zero = rose-leaf 0
counterexample (suc zero) = rose (0 At.-< rose (1 At.-< rose-leaf 2 ∷ [] >-) ∷ [] >-)
counterexample (suc (suc zero)) = rose (0 At.-< rose (1 At.-< rose-leaf 3 ∷ [] >-) ∷ [] >-)
counterexample (suc (suc (suc zero))) = rose (0 At.-< rose (1 At.-< rose-leaf 2 ∷ rose-leaf 3 ∷ [] >-) ∷ [] >-)

-- illegal' : {i : Size} ∄[ cs ∈ List (OC i ℕ) ] (⟦ Root zero cs ⟧ ≅ counterexample)
-- illegal' ([] , fst , snd) with snd (suc zero)
-- ... | ()
-- illegal' (x ∷ fst , snd) = {!!}

-- illegal' : {i : Size} ∄[ e ∈ OC i ℕ ] (∃[ O ] (∃[ xs ] (⟦ Root zero (opt O e ∷ xs) ⟧ ≅ counterexample)))
-- illegal' x = {!!}
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)

nodup : {i : Size} {A : 𝔸} (a : A) (x y : OC i A) (zs : List (OC i A))
¬ ( (c : Configuration) (⟦ Root a (x ∷ y ∷ zs) ⟧ c ≡ rose-leaf a))
nodup a x y zs sure with sure (λ _ true)
nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) y zs sure | asd = {!!}
-- nodup a (b OC.-< bs >-) y zs sure with sure (λ _ → true)
-- ... | ()
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (b OC.-< bs >-) zs sure with sure (λ _ → false)
-- ... | ()
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (P ❲ f ❳) [] sure = {!!}
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (P ❲ f ❳) (z ∷ zs) sure = nodup a (P ❲ f ❳) z zs {!sure!}
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) y zs (c , sure) with c O
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (P ❲ f ❳) [] (c , sure) | false with c P
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (P ❲ f ❳) [] (c , refl) | false | false = {!!}
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (P ❲ f ❳) [] (c , sure) | false | true = {!!}
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) (P ❲ f ❳) (z ∷ zs) (c , sure) | false = nodup a (P ❲ f ❳) z zs (c , sure)
-- nodup a (O ❲ e ❳) y zs (c , sure) | true = {!!}

illegal : {i : Size} ∄[ e ∈ WFOC i ℕ ] (⟦ e ⟧ ≅ counterexample)
-- root must be zero because it is always zero in counterexample
illegal (Root (suc i) cs , _ , ⊇) with ⊇ zero
... | ()
-- there must be a child because there are variants in counterexample with children below the root (e.g., suc zero)
illegal (Root zero [] , _ , ⊇) with ⊇ (suc zero) -- illegal' (cs , eq)
... | ()
-- there must be an option at the front because there are variants with zero children (e.g., zero)
illegal (Root zero (a OC.-< cs >- ∷ _) , _ , ⊇) with ⊇ zero
... | ()
-- there can not be any other children
illegal (Root zero (O ❲ e ❳ ∷ a OC.-< as >- ∷ xs) , ⊆ , ⊇) = {!!}
illegal (Root zero (O ❲ e ❳ ∷ P OC.❲ e' ❳ ∷ xs) , ⊆ , ⊇) = {!!}
-- e can be a chain of options but somewhen, there must be an artifact
illegal (Root zero (O ❲ e ❳ ∷ []) , ⊆ , ⊇) = {!!}
--illegal' (e , (O , xs , (⊆ , ⊇)))

cef : SPL
cef = 0 ◀ (
(X :: (12 . []) ⊚ ([] ∷ [] , unq ([] ∷ [] , unq ([] , []) ∷ []) ∷ [])) ∷
(Y :: (13 . []) ⊚ ([] ∷ [] , unq ([] ∷ [] , unq ([] , []) ∷ []) ∷ [])) ∷

cef-describes-counterexample : FST⟦ cef ⟧ ≅ counterexample
cef-describes-counterexample = ⊆[]→⊆ cef-⊆[] , ⊆[]→⊆ {f = fnoc} cef-⊇[]
conf : FST.Conf FeatureName Fin 4
conf c with c X | c Y
... | false | false = zero
... | false | true = suc (suc zero)
... | true | false = suc zero
... | true | true = suc (suc (suc zero))

cef-⊆[] : FST⟦ cef ⟧ ⊆[ conf ] counterexample
cef-⊆[] c with c X | c Y
... | false | false = refl
... | false | true = refl
... | true | false = refl
... | true | true = {!!}

fnoc : Fin 4 FST.Conf FeatureName
fnoc zero X = false
fnoc zero Y = false
fnoc (suc zero) X = true
fnoc (suc zero) Y = false
fnoc (suc (suc zero)) X = false
fnoc (suc (suc zero)) Y = true
fnoc (suc (suc (suc zero))) X = true
fnoc (suc (suc (suc zero))) Y = true

cef-⊇[] : counterexample ⊆[ fnoc ] FST⟦ cef ⟧
cef-⊇[] zero = refl
cef-⊇[] (suc zero) = refl
cef-⊇[] (suc (suc zero)) = refl
cef-⊇[] (suc (suc (suc zero))) = {!!}

ouch : WFOCL ⋡ FSTL
ouch sure with sure cef
... | e , e≣cef = {!!}
open FST F using (FST; FSTL)

data FeatureName : Set where
X : FeatureName
Y : FeatureName

open import Data.Bool using (true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Nat using (zero; suc; ℕ)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs using (AllPairs; []; _∷_)
open import Framework.VariantMap V (ℕ , _≟_)

import Lang.All
open Lang.All.OC using (OC; _❲_❳; WFOC; Root; opt; Configuration; ⟦_⟧; WFOCL)

AtomSet : 𝔸
AtomSet = ℕ , _≟_

open FST FeatureName using (_._)
open FST.Impose FeatureName AtomSet using (SPL; _◀_; _::_; _⊚_) renaming (⟦_⟧ to FST⟦_⟧)

open import Data.EqIndexedSet
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)

open import Data.Product using (_,_; ∃-syntax)
open import Util.Existence using (¬Σ-syntax)

counterexample : VMap 3
counterexample zero = rose-leaf 0
counterexample (suc zero) = rose (0 At.-< rose (1 At.-< rose-leaf 2 ∷ [] >-) ∷ [] >-)
counterexample (suc (suc zero)) = rose (0 At.-< rose (1 At.-< rose-leaf 3 ∷ [] >-) ∷ [] >-)
counterexample (suc (suc (suc zero))) = rose (0 At.-< rose (1 At.-< rose-leaf 2 ∷ rose-leaf 3 ∷ [] >-) ∷ [] >-)

open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)

illegal : {i : Size} ∄[ e ∈ WFOC FeatureName i AtomSet ] (⟦ e ⟧ ≅ counterexample)
-- root must be zero because it is always zero in counterexample
illegal (Root (suc i) cs , _ , ⊇) with ⊇ zero
... | ()
-- there must be a child because there are variants in counterexample with children below the root (e.g., suc zero)
illegal (Root zero [] , _ , ⊇) with ⊇ (suc zero) -- illegal' (cs , eq)
... | ()
-- there must be an option at the front because there are variants with zero children (e.g., zero)
illegal (Root zero (a OC.-< cs >- ∷ _) , _ , ⊇) with ⊇ zero
... | ()
-- there can not be any other children
illegal (Root zero (O ❲ e ❳ ∷ a OC.-< as >- ∷ xs) , ⊆ , ⊇) = {!!}
illegal (Root zero (O ❲ e ❳ ∷ P OC.❲ e' ❳ ∷ xs) , ⊆ , ⊇) = {!!}
-- e can be a chain of options but somewhen, there must be an artifact
illegal (Root zero (O ❲ e ❳ ∷ []) , ⊆ , ⊇) = {!!}
--illegal' (e , (O , xs , (⊆ , ⊇)))

cef : SPL
cef = 0 ◀ (
(X :: (12 . []) ⊚ ([] ∷ [] , ([] ∷ [] , ([] , []) ∷ []) ∷ [])) ∷
(Y :: (13 . []) ⊚ ([] ∷ [] , ([] ∷ [] , ([] , []) ∷ []) ∷ [])) ∷

cef-describes-counterexample : FST⟦ cef ⟧ ≅ counterexample
cef-describes-counterexample = ⊆[]→⊆ cef-⊆[] , ⊆[]→⊆ {f = fnoc} cef-⊇[]
conf : FST.Conf FeatureName Fin 4
conf c with c X | c Y
... | false | false = zero
... | false | true = suc (suc zero)
... | true | false = suc zero
... | true | true = suc (suc (suc zero))

cef-⊆[] : FST⟦ cef ⟧ ⊆[ conf ] counterexample
cef-⊆[] c with c X | c Y
... | false | false = refl
... | false | true = refl
... | true | false = refl
... | true | true = {!!}

fnoc : Fin 4 FST.Conf FeatureName
fnoc zero X = false
fnoc zero Y = false
fnoc (suc zero) X = true
fnoc (suc zero) Y = false
fnoc (suc (suc zero)) X = false
fnoc (suc (suc zero)) Y = true
fnoc (suc (suc (suc zero))) X = true
fnoc (suc (suc (suc zero))) Y = true

cef-⊇[] : counterexample ⊆[ fnoc ] FST⟦ cef ⟧
cef-⊇[] zero = refl
cef-⊇[] (suc zero) = refl
cef-⊇[] (suc (suc zero)) = refl
cef-⊇[] (suc (suc (suc zero))) = {!!}

ouch : WFOCL FeatureName ⋡ FSTL
ouch sure = {!!}

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