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Merge pull request #13 from pmbittner/funlang
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Abstract Variability and Configuration Languages as Function Languages
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pmbittner authored Jan 17, 2024
2 parents 74d722c + 584fab7 commit 6dfd0e7
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,081 additions and 453 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ A ≅[ f ][ f⁻¹ ] B = (A ⊆[ f ] B) × (B ⊆[ f⁻¹ ] A)
→ A ⊆ B
⊆[]→⊆ A⊆[f]B i = ∈[]→∈ (A⊆[f]B i)
-- ⊆[]→⊆ {f = f} A⊆[f]B = λ i → f i , A⊆[f]B i -- equivalent definition
-- verbose name
-- TODO: eta-reducing e here makes Agda have an internal error when importing ⊆[]→⊆.
Expand Down
124 changes: 52 additions & 72 deletions src/Framework/V2/Compiler.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,38 +2,19 @@ module Framework.V2.Compiler where

open import Framework.V2.Variant
open import Framework.V2.Definitions
open import Framework.V2.VariabilityLanguage
open import Framework.V2.FunctionLanguage using (_⇔_; to; from; to-is-Embedding)
open import Framework.V2.Construct

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≗_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_)
open import Function using (id; _∘_)

ConfigTranslation : (S₁ : 𝕊) (S₂ : 𝕊) Set
ConfigTranslation S₁ S₂ = S₁ S₂

record ConfigCompiler (S₁ : 𝕊) (S₂ : 𝕊) : Set where
to : ConfigTranslation S₁ S₂
from : ConfigTranslation S₂ S₁
open ConfigCompiler public

A translated configuration is extensionally equal.
Fixme: Give me a proper name not this ugly one.
ExtensionallyEqual-Translation : {F S Sel} ConfigEvaluator F S Sel ConfigTranslation S S Set
ExtensionallyEqual-Translation evalConfig f = c evalConfig (f c) ≗ evalConfig c

ExtensionallyEqual : {F S Sel} ConfigEvaluator F S Sel ConfigCompiler S S Set
ExtensionallyEqual {F} {S} evalConfig record { to = to ; from = from } =
ExtensionallyEqual-Translation {F} {S} evalConfig to × ExtensionallyEqual-Translation {F} {S} evalConfig from

-- We identify a configuration to be the same if it can be uniquely translated back
-- (i.e., if `to` is an embedding into the second configuration language via its inverse `from`).
-- We do not require the inverse direction `from`, being an embedding of configurations from `C₂` into `C₁`, because `C₂` could be larger than `C₁` (when interpreted as a set).
-- For example, the set of features in `C₂` could be bigger (e.g., when going from core choice calculus to binary choice calculus) but all information can be derived by `conf` from our initial configuration `c₁`.
Stable : {S₁ S₂} ConfigCompiler S₁ S₂ Set
Stable cc = from cc ∘ to cc ≗ id

record LanguageCompiler {V S₁ S₂} (Γ₁ : VariabilityLanguage V S₁) (Γ₂ : VariabilityLanguage V S₂) : Set₁ where
record LanguageCompiler {V} (Γ₁ Γ₂ : VariabilityLanguage V) : Set₁ where
L₁ = Expression Γ₁
L₂ = Expression Γ₂
Expand All @@ -42,7 +23,7 @@ record LanguageCompiler {V S₁ S₂} (Γ₁ : VariabilityLanguage V S₁) (Γ

compile : {A} L₁ A L₂ A
config-compiler : ConfigCompiler S₁ S
config-compiler : Config Γ₁ ⇔ Config Γ
preserves : {A} let open IVSet V A using (_≅[_][_]_) in
(e : L₁ A) ⟦ e ⟧₁ ≅[ to config-compiler ][ from config-compiler ] ⟦ compile e ⟧₂
-- TODO: It might nice to have syntax
Expand All @@ -54,62 +35,61 @@ record LanguageCompiler {V S₁ S₂} (Γ₁ : VariabilityLanguage V S₁) (Γ
fnoc = from config-compiler

-- Compiles a single construct to another one without altering the underlying sub expressions.
-- FIXME: This definition might be too abstract.
-- To preserve semantics, most of the time, additional requirements on the
-- config translations are required which are currently not part of the
-- preservation theorem here. Maybe we have to add these constraints as type parameters here?
record ConstructCompiler {V S₁ S₂} (VC₁ : VariabilityConstruct V S₁) (VC₂ : VariabilityConstruct V S₂) : Set₁ where
open VariabilityConstruct VC₁ renaming (Construct to C₁; construct-semantics to sem₁)
open VariabilityConstruct VC₂ renaming (Construct to C₂; construct-semantics to sem₂)
record ConstructCompiler {V} (VC₁ VC₂ : VariabilityConstruct V) (Γ : VariabilityLanguage V) : Set₁ where
open VariabilityConstruct VC₁ renaming (VSyntax to C₁; VSemantics to Kem₁; VConfig to Conf₁)
open VariabilityConstruct VC₂ renaming (VSyntax to C₂; VSemantics to Kem₂; VConfig to Conf₂)

compile : {E A} C₁ E A C₂ E A
config-compiler : ConfigCompiler S₁ S₂
stable : Stable config-compiler
preserves : : VariabilityLanguage V S₁} {A}
(c : C₁ (Expression Γ) A)
compile : {A} C₁ (Expression Γ) A C₂ (Expression Γ) A
config-compiler : Conf₁ ⇔ Conf₂
extract : Config Γ Conf₁

stable : to-is-Embedding config-compiler
preserves : {A} (c : C₁ (Expression Γ) A)
let open IVSet V A using (_≅_) in
sem₁ id Γ c ≅ sem₂ (to config-compiler) Γ (compile c)
Kem₁ Γ extract c ≅ Kem₂ Γ (to config-compiler ∘ extract) (compile c)

Compiles languages below constructs.
This means that an expression in a language Γ₁ of which we know that it has a specific
syntactic construct VC at the top is compiled to Γ₂ retaining the very same construct at the top.
record ConstructFunctor {V S} (VC : VariabilityConstruct V S) : Set₁ where
open VariabilityConstruct VC
open LanguageCompiler using (conf; fnoc; compile; config-compiler)

record ConstructFunctor {V} (VC : VariabilityConstruct V) : Set₁ where
open LanguageCompiler
map : {A} {L₁ L₂ : 𝔼}
(L₁ A L₂ A)
Construct L₁ A
Construct L₂ A
preserves : {S'} {Γ₁ : VariabilityLanguage V S} {Γ₂ : VariabilityLanguage V S'} {A}
let open IVSet V A using (_≅[_][_]_) in
(t : LanguageCompiler Γ₁ Γ₂)
(c : Construct (Expression Γ₁) A)
Stable (config-compiler t)
construct-semantics id Γ₁ c
VSyntax VC L₁ A VSyntax VC L₂ A

-- Note: There also should be an extract₂ but it must be
-- equivalent to extract₁ ∘ fnoc t.
-- extract₂ : Config Γ₂ construct-config
preserves : {A} let open IVSet V A using (_≅[_][_]_) in
(Γ₁ Γ₂ : VariabilityLanguage V)
(extract : Compatible VC Γ₁)
(t : LanguageCompiler Γ₁ Γ₂)
(c : VSyntax VC (Expression Γ₁) A)
to-is-Embedding (config-compiler t)
VSemantics VC Γ₁ extract c
≅[ conf t ][ fnoc t ]
construct-semantics (fnoc t) Γ₂ (map (compile t) c)
VSemantics VC Γ₂ (extract ∘ fnoc t) (map (compile t) c)

_⊕ᶜᶜ_ : {S₁ S₂ S₃}
ConfigCompiler S₁ S
ConfigCompiler S₂ S
ConfigCompiler S₁ S
_⊕ᶜᶜ_ : {K₁ K₂ K₃ : 𝕂}
K₁ ⇔ K
K₂ ⇔ K
K₁ ⇔ K
1→2 ⊕ᶜᶜ 2→3 = record
{ to = to 2→3 ∘ to 1→2
; from = from 1→2 ∘ from 2→3

⊕ᶜᶜ-stable :
{S₁ S₂ S₃}
(1→2 : ConfigCompiler S₁ S₂) (2→3 : ConfigCompiler S₂ S₃)
Stable 1→2
Stable 2→3
{K₁ K₂ K₃ : 𝕂}
(1→2 : K₁ ⇔ K₂) (2→3 : K₂ ⇔ K₃)
to-is-Embedding 1→2
to-is-Embedding 2→3
Stable (1→2 ⊕ᶜᶜ 2→3)
to-is-Embedding(1→2 ⊕ᶜᶜ 2→3)
⊕ᶜᶜ-stable 1→2 2→3 s1 s2 c₁ =
let open Eq.≡-Reasoning in
Expand All @@ -124,14 +104,14 @@ _⊕ᶜᶜ_ : ∀ {S₁ S₂ S₃}
id c₁

_⊕ˡ_ : {V} {S₁ S₂ S₃}
{Γ₁ : VariabilityLanguage V S₁}
{Γ₂ : VariabilityLanguage V S₂}
{Γ₃ : VariabilityLanguage V S₃}
_⊕ˡ_ : {V}
{Γ₁ : VariabilityLanguage V}
{Γ₂ : VariabilityLanguage V}
{Γ₃ : VariabilityLanguage V}
LanguageCompiler Γ₁ Γ₂
LanguageCompiler Γ₂ Γ₃
LanguageCompiler Γ₁ Γ₃
_⊕ˡ_ {V} {S₁} {S₂} {S₃} {Γ₁} {Γ₂} {Γ₃} L₁→L₂ L₂→L₃ = record
_⊕ˡ_ {V} {Γ₁} {Γ₂} {Γ₃} L₁→L₂ L₂→L₃ = record
{ compile = compile L₂→L₃ ∘ compile L₁→L₂
; config-compiler = record { to = conf'; from = fnoc' }
; preserves = p
Expand All @@ -141,10 +121,10 @@ _⊕ˡ_ {V} {S₁} {S₂} {S₃} {Γ₁} {Γ₂} {Γ₃} L₁→L₂ L₂→L₃
⟦_⟧₁ = Semantics Γ₁
⟦_⟧₃ = Semantics Γ₃

conf' : S S
conf' : Config Γ Config Γ
conf' = conf L₂→L₃ ∘ conf L₁→L₂

fnoc' : S S
fnoc' : Config Γ Config Γ
fnoc' = fnoc L₁→L₂ ∘ fnoc L₂→L₃

module _ {A : 𝔸} where
Expand All @@ -154,11 +134,11 @@ _⊕ˡ_ {V} {S₁} {S₂} {S₃} {Γ₁} {Γ₂} {Γ₃} L₁→L₂ L₂→L₃
p : (e : L₁ A) ⟦ e ⟧₁ ≅[ conf' ][ fnoc' ] ⟦ compile L₂→L₃ (compile L₁→L₂ e) ⟧₃
p e = ≅[]-trans (preserves L₁→L₂ e) (preserves L₂→L₃ (compile L₁→L₂ e))

-- _⊕ᶜ_ : ∀ {S} {VC₁ VC₂ VC₃ : VariabilityConstruct S}
-- _⊕ᶜ_ : ∀ {K} {VC₁ VC₂ VC₃ : VariabilityConstruct K}
-- → ConstructCompiler VC₁ VC₂
-- → ConstructCompiler VC₂ VC₃
-- → ConstructCompiler VC₁ VC₃
-- _⊕ᶜ_ {S} {VC₁} {_} {VC₃} 1→2 2→3 = record
-- _⊕ᶜ_ {K} {VC₁} {_} {VC₃} 1→2 2→3 = record
-- { compile = compile 2→3 ∘ compile 1→2
-- ; config-compiler = cc
-- ; stable = stb
Expand All @@ -168,16 +148,16 @@ _⊕ˡ_ {V} {S₁} {S₂} {S₃} {Γ₁} {Γ₂} {Γ₃} L₁→L₂ L₂→L₃
-- open VariabilityConstruct VC₁ renaming (Construct to C₁; construct-semantics to sem₁)
-- open VariabilityConstruct VC₃ renaming (construct-semantics to sem₃)

-- cc : ConfigCompiler S S
-- cc : ConfigCompiler K K
-- cc = config-compiler 1→2 ⊕ᶜᶜ config-compiler 2→3

-- stb : Stable cc
-- stb : Ktable cc
-- stb = ⊕ᶜᶜ-stable (config-compiler 1→2) (config-compiler 2→3) (stable 1→2) (stable 2→3)

-- module Pres {V : 𝕍} {A : 𝔸} where
-- open IVSet V A using (_≅_; ≅-trans)

-- p : ∀ {Γ : VariabilityLanguage V S}
-- p : ∀ {Γ : VariabilityLanguage V K}
-- → (c : C₁ (Expression Γ) A)
-- → sem₁ Γ id c ≅ sem₃ Γ (to cc) (compile 2→3 (compile 1→2 c))
-- p c = ≅-trans (preserves 1→2 c) {!preserves 2→3 (compile 1→2 c)!} --
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/Framework/V2/ConfigurationLanguage.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module Framework.V2.ConfigurationLanguage where

open import Framework.V2.Definitions
open import Framework.V2.FunctionLanguage

ConfigurationLanguage : (S : 𝕊) Set₁
ConfigurationLanguage S = FunctionLanguage S
pattern Conf-⟪_,_,_⟫ E F S = ⟪ E , F , S ⟫

-- aliases
Configuration = FunctionLanguage.Expression
FeatureLanguage = FunctionLanguage.Input
SelectionLanguage : {S : 𝕊} ConfigurationLanguage S 𝕊
SelectionLanguage {S} _ = S

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