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2ADT -> VariantList
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pmbittner authored Mar 13, 2024
2 parents 81cf3ea + 883d3e9 commit b05448e
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,064 additions and 42 deletions.
34 changes: 15 additions & 19 deletions src/Lang/2ADT.agda
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@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Framework.Definitions
-- TODO: Generalize level of F
module Lang.2ADT (F : 𝔽) where

open import Data.Bool using (Bool)
open import Function using (id)
open import Size using (Size; ↑_)
module Lang.2ADT (F : 𝔽) (V : 𝕍) where

open import Data.Bool using (Bool; if_then_else_)
open import Framework.VariabilityLanguage
open import Framework.Variants using (GrulerVariant)
open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts
open import Construct.Choices
open import Construct.NestedChoice F as NestedChoice using (NestedChoice)

2ADT : Size 𝔼
2ADT i A = NestedChoice i (Leaf A)
data 2ADT : 𝔼 where
leaf : {A} V A 2ADT A
_⟨_,_⟩ : {A} (D : F) (l : 2ADT A) (r : 2ADT A) 2ADT A

Configuration : Set
Configuration = F Bool

2ADTVL : {i : Size} VariabilityLanguage GrulerVariant
2ADTVL {i} = ⟪ 2ADT i , 2Choice.Config F , semantics ⟫
⟦_⟧ : 𝔼-Semantics V Configuration 2ADT
⟦ leaf v ⟧ _ = v
⟦ D ⟨ l , r ⟩ ⟧ c = if c D
then ⟦ l ⟧ c
else ⟦ r ⟧ c

semantics : {i : Size} 𝔼-Semantics GrulerVariant (2Choice.Config F) (2ADT i)
semantics e c = VLLeaf.elim-leaf VLLeaf.Leaf∈ₛGrulerVariant (NestedChoice.⟦ e ⟧ c)
2ADTL : VariabilityLanguage V
2ADTL = ⟪ 2ADT , Configuration , ⟦_⟧ ⟫
203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions src/Lang/2ADT/Path.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
open import Framework.Definitions using (𝔽; 𝕍; 𝔸; 𝔼)
open import Relation.Binary using (DecidableEquality; Rel)
module Lang.2ADT.Path
(F : 𝔽)
(V : 𝕍)
(_==_ : DecidableEquality F)

open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Function using (_∘_)

open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties using (¬Any⇒All¬)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs using (AllPairs; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ∃-syntax)

open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (yes; no; False; True; isYes; fromWitness; toWitness; fromWitnessFalse; toWitnessFalse)
open import Relation.Binary using (Decidable; Symmetric)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning

open import Framework.VariabilityLanguage
open import Util.Suffix using (_endswith_)
open import Lang.2ADT F V using (2ADT; leaf; _⟨_,_⟩; Configuration; ⟦_⟧)

-- A selection of a feature matches it to a boolean value.
record Selection : Set where
constructor _↣_
feature : F
value : Bool
open Selection public

-- A list of selection which denotes a path from the root of a 2ADT to a leaf node.
Path : Set
Path = List Selection

-- Two Selections are considered different iff they have different features.
-- Notable, (A ↣ true) is not different to (A ↣ false).
different : Rel Selection 0ℓ
different (A ↣ _) (B ↣ _) = False (A == B)

sym-different : Symmetric different
sym-different neq = fromWitnessFalse λ eq toWitnessFalse neq (sym eq)

-- Two selections are considered the same of they assign the same feature.
same : Rel Selection 0ℓ
same (A ↣ _) (B ↣ _) = True (A == B)

-- Checks whether a given features was assigned in a selection.
is : F Selection Set
is A (B ↣ _) = True (A == B)

is-refl : (D : F) (b : Bool) is D (D ↣ b)
is-refl _ _ = fromWitness refl

==-isYes-refl : (D : F) isYes (D == D) ≡ true
==-isYes-refl D with D == D
... | yes refl = refl
... | no D≠D = ⊥-elim (D≠D refl)

-- Checks whether a feature is assigned somewhere in a path.
_∈_ : F Path Set
a ∈ as = Any (is a) as

_∉_ : F Path Set
D ∉ fs = ¬ (D ∈ fs)

∉-head : {D x xs} D ∉ (x ∷ xs) (b : Bool) different x (D ↣ b)
∉-head D∉x∷xs b = fromWitnessFalse λ x≡D D∉x∷xs (here (fromWitness (sym x≡D)))

∉-tail : {D x xs} D ∉ (x ∷ xs) D ∉ xs
∉-tail D∉x∷xs D∈xs = D∉x∷xs (there D∈xs)

-- Finds the assigned value of a feature within a path.
getValue : {a fs} a ∈ fs Bool
getValue (here {_ ↣ value} _) = value
getValue (there fs) = getValue fs

-- Containment _∈_ is decidable.
_∈?_ : Decidable _∈_
a ∈? [] = no λ ()
a ∈? ((x ↣ v) ∷ xs) with a == x
... | yes p = yes (here (fromWitness p))
... | no ¬p with a ∈? xs
... | yes q = yes (there q)
... | no ¬q = no nope
nope : ¬ Any (is a) ((x ↣ v) ∷ xs)
nope (here p) = ¬p (toWitness p)
nope (there q) = ¬q q

-- Turns an ¬ Any to a All ¬.
-- TODO: Reuse ¬Any⇒All¬ from the standard library.
∉→All-different : {D} (as : Path) D ∉ as All (different (D ↣ true)) as
∉→All-different [] _ = []
∉→All-different (a ∷ as) nope =
fromWitnessFalse (λ x nope (here (fromWitness x)))
∷ ∉→All-different as λ x nope (there x)

All-different→∉ : {D} (b : Bool) (as : Path) All (different (D ↣ b)) as D ∉ as
All-different→∉ b (a ∷ as) (pa ∷ pas) (here D-is-a) = toWitnessFalse pa (toWitness D-is-a)
All-different→∉ b (a ∷ as) (pa ∷ pas) (there D∈as) = All-different→∉ b as pas D∈as

All features mentioned in the path are unique (i.e., no feature is mentioned more than once).
This means that there cannot be conflicts in the path.
Unique : Path Set
Unique = AllPairs different

A path is starts at a node if it leads to a leaf.
This relation can be seen as a type system for paths within a particular tree.
Note: The symmetry between the rules walk-left and walk-right causes many
proofs to have quite some redundancy as well because we have to match
on these rules a lot.
However, we cannot merge the rules into a single rule
because we have to recurse on either the left or right alternative (not both).
data _starts-at_ : {A} (p : Path) (e : 2ADT A) Set where
tleaf : {A} {v : V A}
[] starts-at (leaf v)

walk-left : {A} {D : F} {l r : 2ADT A} {pl : Path}
pl starts-at l
((D ↣ true) ∷ pl) starts-at (D ⟨ l , r ⟩)

walk-right : {A} {D : F} {l r : 2ADT A} {pr : Path}
pr starts-at r
((D ↣ false) ∷ pr) starts-at (D ⟨ l , r ⟩)

An expression does not contain a feature name
if all paths do not contain that feature name.
_∉'_ : {A} F 2ADT A Set
D ∉' e = (p : Path) p starts-at e D ∉ p

A path serves as a configuration for an expression e
if it starts at that expression and ends at a leaf.
record PathConfig {A} (e : 2ADT A) : Set where
constructor _is-valid_
path : Path
valid : path starts-at e
open PathConfig public

Alternative semantics of 2ADTs by walking a path.
This walk may be illegal by choosing different alternatives for the same choice within a path.
For example in D ⟨ D ⟨ 1 , dead ⟩ , 2 ⟩ we can reach 'dead' via (D ↣ true ∷ D ↣ false ∷ []).
However, walking like this is fine as long as the path is unique as we will later prove.
walk : {A} (e : 2ADT A) PathConfig e V A
walk (leaf v) ([] is-valid tleaf) = v
walk (D ⟨ l , _ ⟩) ((.(D ↣ true ) ∷ pl) is-valid walk-left t) = walk l (pl is-valid t)
walk (D ⟨ _ , r ⟩) ((.(D ↣ false) ∷ pr) is-valid walk-right t) = walk r (pr is-valid t)

An expression a is a sub-expression of b
iff all valid paths from a lead to paths from b.
_subexprof_ : {A} 2ADT A 2ADT A Set
a subexprof b = (pa : Path) pa starts-at a ∃[ pb ] ((pb starts-at b) × (pb endswith pa))

A configuration matches a selection
if the configuration returns the same
result for the given feature as dictated
by the selection.
matches : Configuration Selection Set
matches c (f ↣ val) = c f ≡ val

Predicate that tells whether a path matches a configuration.
This essentially makes the given path a partial configuration.
_⊑_ : Path Configuration Set
p ⊑ c = All (matches c) p

If we make a lookup in a path for a certain feature,
any matching configuration will yield the same result.
lookup-partial : {p} {c} {D}
p ⊑ c
(has : D ∈ p)
getValue has ≡ c D
lookup-partial (refl ∷ px) (here D-is-f) rewrite toWitness D-is-f = refl
lookup-partial (refl ∷ px) (there has) = lookup-partial px has

12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Lang/NADT.agda
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

open import Framework.Definitions
-- TODO: Generalize level of F
module Lang.NADT (F : 𝔽) where
module Lang.NADT (F : 𝔽) (V : 𝕍) where

open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Function using (id)
Expand All @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts
open import Construct.Choices

data NADT : Size 𝔼 where
NADTAsset : {i A} Leaf A NADT i A
NADTAsset : {i A} Leaf (V A) NADT i A
NADTChoice : {i A} VLChoice.Syntax F (NADT i) A NADT (↑ i) A

NADTVL : {i : Size} VariabilityLanguage GrulerVariant
NADTVL : {i : Size} VariabilityLanguage V
NADTVL {i} = ⟪ NADT i , Choice.Config F , semantics ⟫

semantics : {i : Size} 𝔼-Semantics GrulerVariant (Choice.Config F) (NADT i)
semantics (NADTAsset a) _ = VLLeaf.elim-leaf VLLeaf.Leaf∈ₛGrulerVariant a
semantics (NADTChoice chc) = VLChoice.Semantics GrulerVariant F NADTVL id chc
semantics : {i : Size} 𝔼-Semantics V (Choice.Config F) (NADT i)
semantics (NADTAsset (leaf v)) _ = v
semantics (NADTChoice chc) = VLChoice.Semantics V F NADTVL id chc
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/Lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
# Lists of Variants are Also Variability Languages

## Options

{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

## Module

Expand All @@ -23,7 +16,6 @@ open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (List⁺; _∷_; toList; length)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Function using (_∘_; Surjective)
open import Size using (Size; ∞)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/Translation/Lang/2ADT-to-NADT.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ module Translation.Lang.2ADT-to-NADT {F : 𝔽} {A : 𝔸} where

open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Size using (∞; ↑_)
open import Size using (Size; ∞; ↑_)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning

import Data.IndexedSet

open import Construct.Choices
open import Construct.GrulerArtifacts as GL using ()
open import Construct.NestedChoice using (value; choice)

open import Framework.Variants using (GrulerVariant)
Expand All @@ -22,9 +23,11 @@ open import Lang.NADT
import Translation.Construct.2Choice-to-Choice {F} as 2Choice-to-Choice
open 2Choice-to-Choice.Translate using (convert)

compile : {i} 2ADT F i A NADT F i A
compile (value a) = NADTAsset a
compile (choice {i} c) = NADTChoice ( compile (convert (Eq.setoid (2ADT F i A)) c))
-- TODO: Fix termination checking and also get rid of complicated constructor stuff.
compile : {V : 𝕍} 2ADT F V A NADT F V ∞ A
compile (leaf a) = NADTAsset (GL.leaf a)
compile {V} (D ⟨ l , r ⟩) = NADTChoice ( compile (convert (Eq.setoid (2ADT F V A)) (D 2Choice.⟨ l , r ⟩)))

module Preservation where
-- open Data.IndexedSet (VariantSetoid GrulerVariant A) using () renaming (_≅_ to _≋_)
Expand Down

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