Generates wall tiles to be used in a 'old school dungeon crawler' like Bard's Tale, Eye of the Beholder and Might And Magic (1-5).
You must have an image with a 'front wall'. Feed it to the function and it will generate the tiles.
generate_tiles(source_wall_filename, # Filename of the original image
result_name, # Folder where the tiles will be generated to
wall_dims, # dimensions of the wall - tuple(width, height)
sides, # how many cells will be considered and calculated to
# the left and to the right. (it will correspond to how
# many cells are available to be rendered)
depth, # how many cells will be considered and calculated
# 'forward'. (it will correspond to how
# many cells are available to be rendered)
depth_offset, # The camera is centerend inside the cell at (0,0,0).
# This value displaces all the cells 'forward'
screen_dims, # dimensions of the screen - tuple(width, height)
horizontal_fov=90, # horizontal field of view angle, in degrees
vertical_fov=60 # vertical field of view angle, in degrees
Just run the file. It has an example in it.
In the pic above I composed the generated images to show the 'illusion of depth' achieved.
- I started this in Python 2.7 but finished it in 3.3 (don't ask). Still, I believe it runs in both.
- Pillow
- Numpy
The source image in the repo can be found here (thanks xmorg), although I butchered it a bit to suit my tests.
- Better documentation
- Cropping images.
- Add padding to make the size of the images a power of two