Namaste React 🙂🎉
- Dev Build
- Local Server
- HMR -> Hot Module Replacement
- File Watching Algorithm - written in C++
- Caching - Faster Builds
- Image Optimization
- Minification
- Bundling
- Compress
- Consistent Hashing
- Code Splitting
- Differential Bundling - support older browsers
- Diagnostic
- Error Handling
- Tree Shaking - remove unused code
- Different dev and prod bundles
- Header
- Logo
- NavItems
- Body
- Search
- ResturantContainer
Name of the resturant, Star Rating, Cuisins, etc
- Footer
- -Copyright
- Links
- Address
- Contact
Defult export -- eg -> export default Header; you have to import Header like this ----> import Header from '/Header'
Names export --> eg -> export const Header you have to import it in other component --> import {Header} from '/Header'
if we have 1 js file then the size will be 2 big when we have two many components for a big application, on performance it will effects
we have to make smaller bundles of these files that process is called as Chunking (App Chunking, code splitting, dynamic bundling, lazy loading)
Import Grocery as like lazy loading, when i go to that link, only then load it's called on demand loading
- npm install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
- Build our store
- Connect our store to our app
- Slice (CartSlice)
- Dispatch(action)
- selector