- Download Ubuntu in Microsoft Store (The one without any extension)
- Install Docker Destop: Settings -> Resources -> WSL Integration -> Enable Ubuntu
- Go into Ubuntu and setup username and password, if first time installing
- In the your home directory (~), run: git clone https://github.com/WATonomous/wato_f1tenth.git
- Go into the repo by running: cd wato_f1tenth
- Attach vscode to this repo by running (Asssuming you have vscode): code .
- In VS Code, manually forward the port by going to PORTS -> Add Port -> Enter 2000 for port number
- Run ./watod up to build and up the container
- Go to foxglove: Open Connection -> Foxglove Websocket -> Enter ws://localhost:20000
- Now go to the Panel section on the left -> click the 3D Panel in the middle -> Topics -> Hover your cursor on the map and click the eye button to make map visible
Now you should be able to see the car with transforms and the map