v2.3.0.12, Quendalon, raised by the Fae BF4, Quendalon, raised by the Fae BF4
Features & changes
Updated French version
Some cosmetic improvements for chat stress dice
Bug fixes
Fix requisites editing on roll
Applied activities can no longer have their type changed.
Fixed bug in sanatorium V12 when changing the data.
Virtues and flaws are working again on beast sheet
Vis source attributes are visible again
Quick dialogs (Vitals, Combat, Magic) are now updating when the linked character changes (V12 only)
[V12] Changed actor links mechanics since appId of a sheet is only defined on render (instead of constructor).
Covenant laborers were wrongly considered servants
Covenant teamsters were not considered workers.
It is possible again to go to previous topic of a book in scriptorium
Missing spell warning is now properly formated in scriptorium
Multitopic book reading was not working after a change to the dialog data (reader, date, ...)
There is no longer an error when you try to read an ability book you are too skilled for.
Stress die in chat
Proper number of botch dice rolled
Exploding rolls are computed properly##, Quendalon, raised by the Fae BF4
Features & changes
Updated French version
Some cosmetic improvements for chat stress dice
Bug fixes
Fix requisites editing on roll
Applied activities can no longer have their type changed.
Fixed bug in sanatorium V12 when changing the data.
Virtues and flaws are working again on beast sheet
Vis source attributes are visible again
Quick dialogs (Vitals, Combat, Magic) are now updating when the linked character changes (V12 only)
[V12] Changed actor links mechanics since appId of a sheet is only defined on render (instead of constructor).
Covenant laborers were wrongly considered servants
Covenant teamsters were not considered workers.
It is possible again to go to previous topic of a book in scriptorium
Missing spell warning is now properly formated in scriptorium
Multitopic book reading was not working after a change to the dialog data (reader, date, ...)
There is no longer an error when you try to read an ability book you are too skilled for.
Stress die in chat
Proper number of botch dice rolled
Exploding rolls are computed properly
You can’t perform that action at this time.