Python의 behave
를 사용하여 API Test를 짜보았습니다.
테스트 대상인 API server는 아래의 repo를 확인해주세요.
테스트 관점으로는 DB에서 발생하는 에러 등, 가능한 한 확인할 수 있는 모든 status code를 확인한다 라는 관점으로 test scenario를 작성하였습니다.
파일들의 이름들은 behave
의 .feature
파일 실행 순서를 고려하여, Happy Scenario가 제일 마지막에 오도록 의도하였습니다.
또한 몇몇 시나리오를 위해 특정 tag
를 선언후 before_tag
/ after_tag
에서 특정 setup / teardown 처리를 해주고 있습니다.
end-point를 확인합니다.
# Created by yoodahun at 2021/02/21
Feature: User Register feature
test user register feature
Scenario: Check user information already exists.
Given User "Register" API
When I try create user with "jose2" and "asdf" in request body
Then response status code is 400
And message is "A User with that username already exists"
Scenario: Check username attribute in Request is cannot be let blank
Given User "Register" API
When I try create user with "register_tes2" and "null" in request body
Then response status code is 400
And "password" is cannot be let blank
Scenario: Check password attribute in Request is cannot be let blank
Given User "Register" API
When I try create user with "null" and "asdf" in request body
Then response status code is 400
And "username" is cannot be let blank
end-point를 확인합니다.
# Created by yoodahun at 2021/02/21
Feature: User feature
Check user feature which login, get, delete
Scenario: Login which is not invalid or not registered user info
Given User "Login" API
When I try login user with "not_registered_user" and "password"
Then response status code is 401
And message is "Invalid credentials"
Scenario: GET - User not found
Given User "GET" API
When I try get user information with user_id
Then response status code is 404
And message is "User not found"
Scenario: DELETE - User not found
Given User "DELETE" API
When I try delete user information with user_id
Then response status code is 404
And message is "User not found"
인증 기능에 대한 시나리오를 별도로 확인합니다.
# Created by yoodahun at 2021/02/21
Feature: Authorization feature
check response about authorization
Scenario: Request does not contain an access token
When logout without access token
Then response status code is 401
And description is "Request does not contain an access token."
Scenario: Signature verification failed
When logout with wrong access token
Then response status code is 401
And description is "Signature verification failed."
Scenario: Token has been revoked
When logout user information
And logout user information
Then response status code is 401
And description is "The token has been revoked"
end-point를 확인합니다.
# Created by yoodahun at 2021/02/23
Feature: Store feature
GET stores, GET store / CREATE store / DELETE store
Scenario: Get stores
Given Store "GET" API
When I try get stores information
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in stores response body is equal to "store1"
Scenario: Get store
Given Store "GET" API
When I try get store information with "store1"
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in response body is equal to "store1"
Scenario: Store not found
Given Store "GET" API
When I try get store information with "not_registered_store"
Then response status code is 404
And message is "Store not found"
Scenario: Create store
Given Store "create" API
When I try create store information with "registered_store"
Then response status code is 201
And response body has key that "name" and "items"
And "name" value in response body is equal to "registered_store"
And create store object in context object
Scenario: Store with store_name already exists
Given Store "create" API
When I try create store information with "registered_store"
Then response status code is 400
And message is store with "registered_store" already exists
Scenario: Delete store
Given Store "DELETE" API
When I try delete store information with "registered_store"
Then response status code is 200
And store has successfully deleted
Scenario: Store with store_name is not exists
Given Store "DELETE" API
When I try delete store information with "registered_store"
Then response status code is 400
And message is store with "registered_store" is not exists
# Created by yoodahun at 2021/02/23
Feature: Item feature
GET items, GET item / Create item / Update item / DELETE item
@Item @item_feature_start
Scenario: GET items without login
Given Item "GET" API
When I try get items information
Then response status code is 200
And item_name value in items response body is equal to "chair4"
And message is "More data available if you log-in"
@Item @login
Scenario: GET items with login
Given Item "GET" API
When I try get items information
Then response status code is 200
And item_name value in items response body is equal to "chair4"
Scenario: Get item
Given Item "GET" API
And user has been logged in
When I try get item information with "chair4"
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in response body is equal to "chair4"
And "store_id" value in response body is equal to store_id
Scenario: Create item
Given Item "create" API
And user has been logged in
When I try create item information with "create_test_item1" and "18.01", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 201
And response body has key that "name" and "price"
And "name" value in response body is equal to "create_test_item1"
And "store_id" value in response body is equal to "52"
And create item object in context object
Scenario: Check item is already exists
Given Item "create" API
And user has been logged in
When I try create item information with "create_test_item1" and "18.01", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 400
And message is An item with "create_test_item1" already exists
Scenario: Check store is not registered in DB
Given Item "create" API
And user has been logged in
When I try create item information with "no_store_item" and "18.01", store_id "402" in request body
Then response status code is 400
And message is "There is no Store. You should be add store first."
Scenario: Create item without price
Given Item "create" API
And user has been logged in
When I try create item information with "create_test_item_without_price1" and "null", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 400
And "price" is cannot be let blank
Scenario: Create item without store_id
Given Item "create" API
And user has been logged in
When I try create item information with "no_store_item" and "18.01", store_id "null" in request body
Then response status code is 400
And store_id is Every item needs a store id
@Item @create_item_model
Scenario: Update item
Given Item "PUT" API
And user has been logged in
When I try put item information with item_name and "20.25", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in response body is equal to "create_test_item1"
And "price" value in response body is equal to "20.25"
Scenario: Update item without price
Given Item "PUT" API
And user has been logged in
When I try put item information with item_name and "null", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 400
And "price" is cannot be let blank
@Item @update_item_without_store_id_in_DB
Scenario: Update item with store_id is not registered in DB
Given Item "PUT" API
And user has been logged in
When I try put item information with item_name and "20.25", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 400
And message is "There is no Store. You should be add store first."
@Item @update_item_without_store_id
Scenario: Update item without store_id
Given Item "PUT" API
And user has been logged in
When I try put item information with item_name and "20.25", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 400
And store_id is Every item needs a store id
@Item @logout
Scenario: Delete item
Given Item "DELETE" API
When I try delete item information with "create_test_item1" in request body
Then response status code is 200
And item has successfully deleted
모든 end-point의 Happy case를 모아 작성하였으며, Regression testcase이기도 합니다.
# Created by yoodahun at 2021/02/12
Feature: Execute Test that Happy Scenario from user create, store and item create, update delete, and user delete
@RegressionTest @User
Scenario: Register user
Given User "Register" API
When I try create user with "happy_test1" and "asdf" in request body
Then response status code is 201
And user has successfully created
@RegressionTest @User
Scenario: Get user
Given User "GET" API
When I try get user information with user_id
Then response status code is 200
And "username" value in response body is equal to "happy_test1"
@RegressionTest @User
Scenario: Login user
Given User "Login" API
When I try login user with "happy_test1" and "asdf"
Then response status code is 200
And response body has key that "access_token" and "refresh_token"
And save access_token and refresh_token in context object
@RegressionTest @Store
Scenario: Create store
Given Store "create" API
When I try create store information with "test_store2"
Then response status code is 201
And response body has key that "name" and "items"
And "name" value in response body is equal to "test_store2"
And create store object in context object
@RegressionTest @Store
Scenario: Get store
Given Store "GET" API
When I try get store information with "test_store2"
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in response body is equal to "test_store2"
@RegressionTest @Item
Scenario: Create item
Given Item "create" API
And user has been logged in
When I try create item information with "test_item1" and "18.01", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 201
And response body has key that "name" and "price"
And "name" value in response body is equal to "test_item1"
And "store_id" value in response body is equal to store_id
And create item object in context object
@RegressionTest @Item
Scenario: Get item
Given Item "GET" API
And user has been logged in
When I try get item information with "test_item1"
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in response body is equal to "test_item1"
And "store_id" value in response body is equal to store_id
@RegressionTest @Item
Scenario: Update item info
Given Item "PUT" API
And user has been logged in
When I try put item information with item_name and "20.25", store_id in request body
Then response status code is 200
And "name" value in response body is equal to "test_item1"
And "price" value in response body is equal to "20.25"
@RegressionTest @Item
Scenario: Delete item
Given Item "DELETE" API
# And user has been logged in which user_id is 1
When I try delete item information with "test_item1" in request body
Then response status code is 200
And item has successfully deleted
@RegressionTest @Store
Scenario: Delete store
Given Store "DELETE" API
And user has been logged in
When I try delete store information with "test_store2"
Then response status code is 200
And store has successfully deleted
@RegressionTest @User
Scenario: Delete user
Given User "DELETE" API
When I try delete user information with user_id
Then response status code is 200
And user has successfully deleted
@RegressionTest @User
Scenario: Check user has deleted
Given User "GET" API
When I try get user information with user_id
Then response status code is 404
And user is not found