Describe provides a simple method for testing asynchronous and synchronous code within JavaScript projects.
describe( groupName, tests[, options] );
- groupName (string): A human-readable description of the test group.
- tests (object): An object made up of human-readable test descriptions as
keys and functions to run as tests. Tests functions will be given access to
. - options: Configuration options. Possible values:
- timeout (int): The max amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a test to run before timing out.
- callbackMode (string): if set to 'node', this.expect will treat the first argument to the callback as an error and the second argument as the result.
describe.config( key, value )
Sets the global configuration for tests.
this.expect( subject, expected )
- subject (mixed): the actual result.
- expected (mixed): the expected result.
describe("assertions", {
'basic synchronous expectation': function() {
this.expect(42, 42);
By passing this.expect as the callback parameter to an asynchronous function, describe will know to wait for the result of the operation before checking to see if the result matches what was expected.
this.expect( expected )
function addNumbersAsync(a, b, callback) {
describe("assertions", {
'basic asynchronous expectation': function() {
addNumbersAsync(2, 2, this.expect(4));
function addNumbersAsync(a, b, callback) {
callback(null, a+b);
describe("assertions", {
'basic asynchronous expectation': function() {
addNumbersAsync(2, 2, this.expect(4));
}, { callbackMode: 'node' });
function addThingsPromise() {
var n = 0;
for (var i in arguments) n+=arguments[i];
return {
then: function(success, failure) {
describe("promise callback style", {
'promises-style addition': function() {
this.expect(addThingsPromise(2, 2), 4);
}, {
callbackMode: 'promises'
An asynchronous method. Calls back with the results of all tests described up to that point. You should probably wait until you're done defining tests to call this.
passed: 1,
total: 2,
results: {
"sample test group": {
passed: 1,
total: 2,
results: {
"this test passed because its error is null": null,
"this test failed because there's an error": "Error or message"
Gets the results and outputs them either to the DOM or the console.
Create a new independant instance of describe
Each test group supports beforeEach, afterEach, beforeAll, and afterAll as test hooks.
(function() {
var arr = [], bowties;
describe('array stuff', {
beforeAll: function() {
bowties = 'cool';
beforeEach: function() {
arr = arr.concat(1,2,3);
afterEach: function() {
arr = [];
afterAll: function() {
tests = null;
'bowties are cool': function() {
this.expect(bowties, 'cool');
'arrays have three things': function() {
this.expect(arr.length, 3);
'arrays still have three things': function() {
this.expect(arr.length, 3);