NativeJ, is a simple Javascript Library for selecting DOM Nodes, adding, removeing and triggering Events and AJAX Support with an (almost) compatible jQuery Interface.
jQuery is the best Javascript library for Rapid Prototyping but it comes with support for old browsers (jQuery 2.x doesn't make it better), it's a little bit slow and too big (especially for mobile Phones)
Tested with current browser versions and it works. This table will be extended and give you an overview which browsers are tested and are compatible.
Browser | Compatible |
Safari 7.0.1 | yes |
Feel free to download this project and run the unittests in the index.html
Framework | Compatible |
Backbone 1.1.0 | yes |
on(event [, selector], handler)
off(event [, selector], handler)
DOM Selection
AJAX Support
Built files are in the dist
folder. In the moment it's stll not qualified for production webpages.
I appreciate support, comments and commits.
npm install
grunt watch
Check and edit the public/js/lib/native/0.0.3/ file.
Not supported yet. Please run the index.html
in your browser.
grunt test