The "/ideaflow" service acts as a centralized endpoint for IdeaFlow data collection (@see and low-level metrics profiling on individual Idea Flow Maps (@see
The service is implemented with SpringBoot, and Gradle, and designed to be run as a SaaS platform or run on-prem. The project is OSS under a GPL 3.0 license. The client-tools.jar that connects to the ideaflow server is under Apache 2.0 license.
The following endpoints are available (swagger docs coming soon):
POST http://localhost:8980/ideaflow/collect/batch (publish your IdeaFlow data to the server)
GET http://localhost:8980/ideaflow/task/ (list tasks available for viewing)
GET http://localhost:8980/ideaflow/timeline/task/{taskId} (get metrics profile for a task)
GET http://localhost:8980/ideaflow/timeline/subtask/{subtaskId} (get detailed metrics profile for a subtask)
Stub data is loaded on startup in the [email protected] account that you can use to explore the API. The API-Key for the demo account is printed on the screen at startup. You'll need to pass the API-Key as a header to all API calls. To setup new user accounts, see instructions below.
Install/setup docker (instructions below), then:
git clone [email protected]:openmastery/ideaflow.git
./gradlew bootRun
All APIs require access using an API-KEY header. When you access the API via the plugin, you need to configure preferences to use the API Key.
To generate an API-Key for a user:
curl -X POST -H "X-API-KEY: <api-key>" <server-url>/[email protected]
Where is the default user API-KEY between the *******'s on ideaflow component startup
This project requires
- Java 1.8
- IntelliJ Lombok plugin installed
- IntelliJ annotation processing enabled
git clone [email protected]:openmastery/ideaflow.git
cd ideaflow
./gradlew clean check
./gradlew idea
Import project or module into IDEA and get to coding.
If you've got Docker for Mac, or Docker for Windows installed, you can skip this section completely. If you get any errors when running Gradle build commands for postgres, run docker ps
to make sure docker is on your path.
To install, follow instructions here:
Then to start the machine:
docker-machine start default
To enable Docker in your current shell, run:
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Finally, to configure the machine, you'll need to add an entry to your /etc/hosts configuration. First, run:
docker-machine env default
And copy the IP address from the configuration line that looks like this:
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://<ip-address>:2376"
Edit your /etc/hosts file and add:
<ip-address> local.docker
Postres is required to run the component tests.
As a one-time operation, pull and create the postgres container
./gradlew pullPostgres createPostgres
To start the container before running tests
./gradlew startPostgres
To re-create the postgres container
./gradlew refreshPostgres
If you get an error on starting up the app that looks like:
"org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused."
That means the application is unable to connect to Docker.
Run through the docker setup/install steps.
After a restart SpringBoot will hang while it tries to connect to a non-existent VM.
docker-machine start default
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
docker start postgres
Then bounce the server.
Swagger docs are generated automatically as part of the build. Once a server is running, navigate to /s/index.html (e.g. localhost, http://localhost:8080/s/index.html) to bring up the swagger docs. To upgrade Swagger UI, checkout and copy the dist directory into src/main/resources/static. You'll also need to update index.html and set url = "/s/api-json/service.json" rather than the default petstore url.
This application is currently deployed on Heroku at For an API-Key on the shared service, please contact [email protected]. We will have account creation setup soon, but while this project is still in early development, accounts are created manually.
Install heroku cli (google)
Log into heroku
heroku login
Create the heroku application
heroku create om-ideaflow
Create the database (can upgrade to hobby-basic just by associating credit card w/ account)
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Configure the domain
heroku domains:add
Set up SSL
heroku certs:auto:enable
If you have not previously deployed to Heroku, initialize the remote
heroku git:remote -a om-ideaflow
Deploy the application on heroku
git push heroku master
heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h local.docker -U postgres -d ideaflow latest.dump