##About Wanderlust is an app that helps travellers find the best destinations around the world by month. It can be found at [ ]
Most travel sites are set up to help travellers research specific destinations. Wanderlust helps travellers that are open to suggestions and want to find the best destinations to go to in a certain month. For example, if someone has time off in October, while they may have some destinations in mind, it may not be the best time weather-wise to visit those places. By using Wanderlust, they will discover new destinations and be confident that they are visiting at the best time weather-wise. Users with a specific destination in mind can search for the destination and quickly find the best months to visit.
This was a solo project created while I was a student in General Assembly's Web Development Immersive course.
##Features Users can:
- Filter destinations by specifying:
- Month
- Type of destination
- Find destination by name and retrieve best months to visit
- See details of a destination
- Description of the destination
- Annual average temperatures and precipitation by month
- Photos of the destination
- Get recommendations for similar places
- Bookmark destinations and store them by month
##External APIs
- Wikitravel
- Flickr
- [Wunderground]
- Ruby on Rails, Active Record, PostgreSQL
- HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery
- Deployed on Heroku
#Wireframes: [ ]