Homebrew to sync savefiles with your drive.
- You need to setup your google drive to be able to interact with the application.
- On https://console.cloud.google.com/ create an application 'PS Vita Sync'
- Go to APIs and Services
- Go to Credentials
- Create an API Key (kid)
- Create a service account
- Generate RSA Key from KEYS menu
- Download your private key (pkey)
- Share with the service account, the folder where you save will be sync
- On you vita go to ux0/data/SYNC00055
- Create a file named 'pkey.pem', saved your privat key here
- EOL needs to be UNIX type '\n'
- the EOF need to be empty last char must be a '-'
- Create a file named 'config.lst" inside the same folder
- The file format need to be exact following
- start with the word 'iss' used the tab char ('\t') and write the email of your service account
- enter a new line UNIX style ('\n')
- start the second line with 'kid' and used the tab char ('\t') and write the api key here
- terminate the file with the new line UNIX style ('\n')
- you should have something like this
iss\[email protected]\n
- Compile & install the vpk file on your vita
- Change the source code according to your game
- Change the fileId of google drive