Welcome to the Cosmoteka, the largest repository of consistently combined angular power spectra!
Mapper | Description | Science | Cataloge | Contributor |
2MPZ |
Galaxy clustering | Bilicki et al, 2013 | catalogue | D. Alonso |
CMB anisotropies | Madhavacheril et al, 2019 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
CMB anisotropies | Madhavacheril et al, 2019 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
ACTk |
CMB convergence | Darwish et al, 2020 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
Galaxy clustering | Alam et al, 2016 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
CIBLenz |
CIB ansitropies | Lenz et al, 2019 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
Galaxy clustering | Marocco et al, 2020 | catalogue | F. Oliveira-Franco |
Galaxy clustering | Dey et al, 2019 | catalogue | D. Alonso |
DESY1gc |
Galaxy clustering | Abbot et al, 2017 | catalogue | C. Garcia-Garcia |
DESY1wl |
Weak lensing | Abbot et al, 2017 | catalogue | C. Garcia-Garcia |
DESY3wl |
Weak lensing | Abbot et al, 2021 | catalogue | C. Garcia-Garcia |
Quasar clustering | Gil-Marin et al, 2018 | cataloge | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
HSC_DR1wl |
Weak lensing | Aihara et al, 2017 | catalogue | D. Alonso |
KV450 |
Weak lensing | Hildebrandt, et al, 2018 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
KiDS1000 |
Weak lensing | Heymans et al, 2020 | catalogue | D. Alonso |
Galaxy clustering | Condon et al, 1998 | catalogue | F. Oliveira-Franco |
P15tSZ |
Compton-y map | Planck Collaboration, 2015 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
P18CMBk |
CMB convergence | Planck collaboration, 2018 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
P18CMB |
CMB anisotropies | Planck Collaboration, 2018 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
CMB component separated | Planck collaboration, 2018 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
X-ray count rate | Vogue et al, 1999 | catalogue | D. Alonso |
Compton-y map | Bleem et al, 2021 | catalogue | J. Ruiz-Zapatero |
Galaxy clustering | Bilicki et al, 2016 | catalogue | D. Alonso |
Cosmoteka is a single pipeline that processes catalogue level data from a wide variety of surveys and measures their angular power spectra and covariances in a consistent manner. Cosmoteka heavily relies on NaMaster
Cosmoteka is designed to allow for the largest amount of modularity possible to encourage open-source community development. Inside of each module, Cosmoteka follows an object-oriented approach. Thus, given a configuration file or dictionary, the user can instantiate a class that constains all the methods needed to create a sky map (mappers), to estimate the angular power spectrum of two fields (cl) or their covariance (cov).
Cosmoteka is fundamentally divided in two modules, cls
and mappers
, which can be thought as the brain and muscles of the same organism respecively. cls
processes the demands in the configuration file and instantiates the relevant mappers
. Each mapper then projects their corresponding catalogue into a NaMaster
field taking into account the beams, contaminants and masks. Once the NaMaster
fields are computed, cls
orchestrates the computation of the angular power spectra and their covariance. A brief description of the role of each module inside cls
can be found in the table below. For a more detailed description of the role of the cls
modules as well as the individual mappers please visit the documentation of Cosmoteka.
Module | function |
cls/cl.py |
Computes the Cl's requested by the user in the configuration file from the NaMaster fields provided by the mappers. |
cls/cov.py |
Computes the covariance matrix of the Cl's either from the maps themselves or using the theoretical predictions of theory.py . |
cls/data.py |
Reads the user configuration file and returns an instance of the relevant mappers. |
cls/theory.py |
Computes the a theory prediction for the Cl's computed in cl.py using pyccl (only available for certain observables). |
cls/to_sacc.py |
Saves all the angular power spectra as well as their covariance matrix to a SACC file. |
mappers |
Project the catalogs into NaMaster fields. |
In order to run the code use python3 run_cls.py input/kv450_1024.yml cls
You can see the different options with python3 run_cls.py -h
You can run directly xcell/cls/cl.py
, cov.py
, to_sacc.py
with python3 -m
as python3 -m xcell.cls.cl input/kv450_1024.yml KV450__0 KV450__0
More info about the sacc files in https://github.com/LSSTDESC/sacc
Tutorials on how to configure and use all the different mappers to compute angular power spectra and their covariance matrix can be found here.
- J. Ruiz-Zapatero et al, "LimberJack.jl: auto-differentiable methods for angular power spectra analyses", arXiv:2310.08306, 2023.
- David Alonso et al, "Constraining cosmology with the Gaia-unWISE Quasar catalogue and CMB lensing: structure growth", arXiv:2306.17748, 2023.
- T. Ferreira et al, "X-ray - cosmic shear cross-correlations: first detection and constraints on baryonic effects", arXiv:2309.11129, 2023.
- B. Hadzhiyska et al, "Cosmology with 6 parameters in the Stage-IV era: efficient marginalisation over nuisance parameters", arXiv:2301.11895, 2023.
- J. Ruiz-Zapatero et al, "Analytical marginalisation over photometric redshift uncertainties in cosmic shear analyses", arXiv:2301.11978, 2023.
- B. Jego et al, "Constraining the physics of star formation from CIB-cosmic shear cross-correlations", arXiv:2209.05472, 2022.
- B. Jego et al, "The star formation history in the last 10 billion years from CIB cross-correlations", arXiv:2206.15394, 2022.
- C. Garcia-Garcia et al, "Combining cosmic shear data with correlated photo-z uncertainties: constraints from DESY1 and HSC-DR1", arXiv:2210.13434, 2022.
- B. Hadzhiyska et al, "Hefty enhancement of cosmological constraints from the DES Y1 data using a Hybrid Effective Field Theory approach to galaxy bias", arXiv:2103.09820, 2021.
- C. Garcia-Garcia et al, "The growth of density perturbations in the last ∼10 billion years from tomographic large-scale structure data", arXiv:2105.12108, 2021.
- A. Nicola et al, "Cosmic shear power spectra in practice", arXiv:2010.09717, 2020.
Looking forward to seeing your name below!
Carlos Garcia-Garcia | Jaime Ruiz-Zapatero | David Alonso | Felipe Oliveira-Franco |
Lead angular power spectra and covariance code designer. Mappers |
Mapper Design & Mappers | Mapper Design & Mappers | Mappers |
We are currently working on a Cosmoteka paper presenting the library in detail to the astronomy comunity. In the mean time please cite:
author = {{Garc{\'\i}a-Garc{\'\i}a}, Carlos and {Ruiz-Zapatero}, Jaime and {Alonso}, David and {Bellini}, Emilio and {Ferreira}, Pedro G. and {Mueller}, Eva-Maria and {Nicola}, Andrina and {Ruiz-Lapuente}, Pilar},
title = "{The growth of density perturbations in the last 10 billion years from tomographic large-scale structure data}",
journal = {\jcap},
keywords = {cosmological parameters from LSS, galaxy clustering, redshift surveys, weak gravitational lensing, Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics},
year = 2021,
month = oct,
volume = {2021},
number = {10},
eid = {030},
pages = {030},
doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2021/10/030},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2105.12108},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.CO},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021JCAP...10..030G},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}}
and as many papers as feel relevant from the publication list above.