An aspect-oriented extension to the OWL API.
The aspect-owlapi-java allows programmers to access ontology aspects from Java code, using tags.
Ontology aspects describe ontology modules, which may or may not be activated,
depending on a variety of conditions. Using this API, a programmer may specify
these conditions using the Java tags OWLAspect
, OWLAspectAnd
, and
public void doSomething () {
Set<OWLAxiom> allAxioms = myOntology.getAxioms();
This would filter the axioms returned by myOntology.getAxioms();
, such that
the resulting set only contains axioms that are either aspect-free or have the
aspect aspect123.
The tags OWLAspectAnd
and OWLAspectOr
allow the combination of aspects. They
take sets of aspect IRIs as arguments. Their respective semantics are
self-explanatory: OWLAspectAnd
builds the conjunction while OWLAspectOr
builds the disjunction of the filtered sets of axioms.
Java 8
Maven 3.x
Clone the repository to your local hard disk.
Open a terminal/console/command prompt window and
to the project's root directory. -
mvn test
and press Enter.
After importing the project into an Eclipse installation which has the m2e plugin installed, the following two error messages may appear in the Problems view:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.7:compile (execution: default, phase: compile)
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.7:test-compile (execution: default, phase: test-compile)
In this case, follow these steps in order to make the error messages disappear:
right click on one of the two error messages in the Problem view and choose Quick Fix.
In the upcoming dialog select "Discover new m2e connectors" and click Finish.
In the subsequent dialog, make sure the checkbox next to AspectJ (AspectJ m2e configurator) is checked and click Finish.
In the subsequent dialog, make sure the checkbox next to "Maven Integration for AJDT (Optional)" is checked and click Next.
Click Next again.
Select "I accept the terms and the license agreements" and click Finish.
Dismiss the security warning about unsigned software by clicking OK.
Confirm the request for restarting Eclipse by clicking Yes (if you have unsaved work, click No instead, save your work and then restart Eclipse manually).