Thisis the dominoes game created for my graduate class at NYU.
The game can support 2-4 players. At the start of the game, players are given 7 titles picked at ramdom if playing with 2 players, or 5 titles if playing with 3 or 4 players.
The basis of the games is to lay down a domino next to another domino so that the numbers (or blanks) on adjacent dominoes match each other. The game will ramdonly determine which player goes first. Then, the game will then proceed in clockwise direction.
The objective of the game is to get rid of all the dominoes in your hand. Each player cannot see the dominoes owned by the other players. Whoever gets rids of all dominos first, wins. At the same time, each player tries to block the other player so he cannot make a play.
Players take turns going first in each game. When a player is first, he/she may place any of his/her dominoes face up on the table to start play. The first domino played is called the "set". After the set, each domino must be placed next to a matching domino. Plays can be made on either end of a single domino and on both sides of a double domino, but not on the ends of a double.
If a player does not have a play, he is blocked and then draws from the boneyard until he/she picks a domino that can be played. In a 2-player game, the last two dominoes in the boneyard may not be drawn and in a 4-player game, the very last domino in the boneyard may not be drawn.
The game ends either:
When one player places his/her last domino, he/she wins. The number of points awarded is the total of the dots on the unplayed dominoes of the other players. All players still have dominoes in their hands, but none of them can make any play. The player with the lowest number of dots at hand wins the hand and receives a score equal to the total number of dots on his opponents' unplayed dominoes.