Mimic iOS Widget control system in swiftUI you can add, delete and move your own views
It requires iOS 15
In Xcode go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and paste in the repo's url:
import Midget
@State private var MidgetState = [
MidgetState("viewA", true),
MidgetState("viewB", true),
MidgetState("viewC", true),
MidgetState("viewD", false),
MidgetState("viewE", false)
- This is an object for storing and managing the state of Midgets
- id: Identifier string that can identify the view
- isVisible: Bool value to set whether or not to show the view initially
var body: some View {
MidgetController(MidgetState) {
} onChange: { _ in
Place the MidgetController where you want it and pass the just created MidgetState to the constructor parameter.
- A view that has an ID that can be added, deleted, and moved inside the Midget controller.
- simply
Midget("viewA") {
VStack {
Text("This is a Test Label")
var body: some View {
MidgetController($MidgetState) {
Midget("viewA") {
//your view
Midget("viewB") {
//your view
Midget("viewC") {
//your view
Midget("viewD") {
//your view
Midget("viewE") {
//your view
- When the user finishes editing and presses the done button, the edited result is returned to the onChaged closure.
var body: some View {
MidgetController(MidgetState) {
// your Midgets
} onChange: { changedMidget in
self.MidgetState = changedMidget
//save it to your DB
As you may have noticed, the values of the key in the MidgetState in step 2 made and the identifier in the Midget must be the same.
- When you click a Midget in the non-edit mode, call the closure.
Midget("viewA") {
//your view
} onTouch: {
print("viewA Touched")