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api API

phoenixide edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 8 revisions


It makes a GET request to the root of the API

Returns any A function that returns a promise.


It takes a table name as a parameter and returns a promise that resolves to the response from the server


  • tableName The name of the table you want to create.

Returns any A promise


It creates a database with the name provided in the databaseName parameter


  • databaseName string The name of the database you want to create.

Returns Promise<boolean> A promise


It deletes the database with the given name


  • databaseName string The name of the database to be deleted.

Returns Promise<boolean> A promise.


It takes a table name and a document as input and returns a promise


  • tableName The name of the table you want to put the document in.
  • document The document to be inserted.

Returns any A promise


It deletes a document from a table


  • tableName The name of the table you want to delete the document from.
  • documentId The documentId of the document you want to delete.
  • condition string? Optional coco query condition of the form "$.cost<35" that must be satisfied for delete to happen. See query API for more details on how to write coco query strings.

Returns any A promise


This function deletes all documents satisfying query condition from a table


  • tableName string The name of the table in which the key is to be deleted.
  • queryString string The cocDB query string.
  • useIndexForFields (optional, default [])

Returns Promise A promise.


It deletes a table from the database


  • tableName The name of the table to be deleted.

Returns any A function that takes a tableName as an argument and returns a promise.


Create an index on a table


  • tableName The name of the table you want to create an index on.
  • jsonField The name of the field in the JSON object that you want to index.
  • dataType The data type of the field.
  • isUnique If true, the index will enforce that the column or columns do not contain any duplicate values.
  • isNotNull If true, the column will not allow null values.

Returns any A promise


It updates a document in a table


  • tableName The name of the table in which the document is to be updated.
  • documentId The id of the document to be updated.
  • document The document to be updated.
  • condition string? Optional coco query condition of the form "$.cost<35" that must be satisfied for update to happen. See query API for more details on how to write coco query strings.

Returns any A promise


It gets the document after scanning table


  • tableName The name of the table you want to query.

  • queryObject This is the object that you want to query. (optional, default {})

  • options Object Optional parameter to add pagination. (optional, default {})

    • options.pageOffset number specify which row to start retrieving documents from. Eg: to get 10 documents from the 100'th document, you should specify pageOffset = 100 and pageLimit = 10
    • options.pageLimit number specify number of documents to retrieve. Eg: to get 10 documents from the 100'th document, you should specify pageOffset = 100 and pageLimit = 10

Returns any A promise


This function will return a promise that will resolve to an array of objects that match the queryObject


  • tableName The name of the table you want to query.

  • queryObject This is the object that you want to query on.

  • options Object Optional parameter to add pagination. (optional, default {})

    • options.pageOffset number specify which row to start retrieving documents from. Eg: to get 10 documents from the 100'th document, you should specify pageOffset = 100 and pageLimit = 10
    • options.pageLimit number specify number of documents to retrieve. Eg: to get 10 documents from the 100'th document, you should specify pageOffset = 100 and pageLimit = 10

Returns any A promise


It takes a table name and a document id and returns the document


  • tableName The name of the table in which the document is stored.
  • documentId The id of the document you want to get.

Returns any A promise



Type: object


  • isSuccess boolean true is api is executed successfully false otherwise.
  • errorMessage string? This property detailed explanation of why call failed.


This function will add the values of the fields in the jsonFieldsIncrements object to the corresponding fields in the document with the given documentId in the given table


  • tableName string The name of the table in which the document is present.
  • documentId string The document id of the document you want to update.
  • jsonFieldsIncrements Object This is a JSON object that contains the fields and their increments.

Returns Promise<MathAddResponse> A promise


query is a function that takes in a table name, a query string, and an optional useIndexForFields parameter, and returns a promise that resolves to the result of the query


  • tableName string The name of the table you want to query.

  • queryString string This is the query string that you want to execute.

  • useIndexForFields Array<string> This is an array of fields that you want to use the index for. (optional, default null)

  • options Object Optional parameter to add pagination. (optional, default {})

    • options.pageOffset number specify which row to start retrieving documents from. Eg: to get 10 documents from the 100'th document, you should specify pageOffset = 100 and pageLimit = 10
    • options.pageLimit number specify number of documents to retrieve. Eg: to get 10 documents from the 100'th document, you should specify pageOffset = 100 and pageLimit = 10

Returns any A promise