The world's first printable open-source humanoid.
- Download this repository.
- Get control boards and servo motors. Buy all!
- Print and assemble all *.stl files. (There are in the "/stl/" directory.)
- Install firmware. (This is placed "/arduino/firmware/" directory.)
- Hello, world where PLEN is!
- Let moving PLEN as you like! Check it out.
- Learn about creativity thinking, structuring logics, or programing. Check it out.
- Communicate other users. Check it out.
- etc...
You could use PLEN for every imaginable things, but, in that case, please observe the following laws strictly.
- PLEN must not fight.
- PLEN must not give someone a feeling of discomfort.
- PLEN must be able to inherit its characteristics.
- PLEN Project Company Ltd., and all contributors.