Udacity Project #1: Image Processing API
Dependencies used:
- Express: To create endpoints.
- Sharp: to deal with image resizing.
- Joi: to validate inputs.
- Jasmine, and its dependencies used for unit testing.
This application is capable of resizing images from images/original folder, and cache It to images/cached.
Application scripts: "npm build": will build the application to .js format. "npm test": will test the application using jasmine, than will proceed to build the applicatopn. "npm lint", "npm lint-fix": used for linting .ts code. "npm prettier": used to apply prettier to .ts code.
[GET] http://localhost:3000/image?height=200&width=200&name=imageNameWithoutExtension
"name": Image Name (String),
"height": Image Height (Int),
"width": Image Width (Int)
Functions: joi: used to validate values entered thrpugh browser
It will return one of the following conditions:
- New found image: will resize It and display It along with some information.
- previously resized image: will display It through the cached images.
- will display error If process not went through.
Modifications made:
- Working endpoint has been provided into README.md file.
- Application is now serving resized image every time, If not found It will do resize and provide.
- Errors are handled through Joi, It will display an error and send a status code of 400 or 404.
- Tests for the endpoint has been added.
- Test for image processing function has been added.