Fri 03 Dec 2021 02:20:53
This is a text mining software made on top of "tidytext" in R and custom VBScript to suppliment the following Biblical methods:
- Word/Concept Studies
- Passage/Content Studies
This software is currently under development. For questions or concerns, email me at [email protected]. The text mining process is as follows:
- word input
- read data
- build lexicon
- subset bible by strongs numbers
- unnest scriptures by all strongs numbers
- make sankey of strongs inflection counts
- make bar chart of strongs number locations per c(chapter,section,testament)
- choose correct inflections and lemma list
- subset by correct inflections from strongs numbers
- count all distinct parts of speech
- make sankey of parts of speech throughout scripture
- make distribution plot of all words counts and boxplot per part of speech
- remove stop words and inflated words
- make relevant book, chapter and verse subsets for content analysis
- take word study subset of c(testament, section, book, chapter, verse, text)
- unnest by tidytext and calculate tf-idf by token per section
- Calculate weighted stddev and mean to standardize important translations
- calculate sentimnent
- calculate bi-gram tf-idf
- calculate network analysis
- calculate topic model