A simple pipeline representation for .NET. It represents a sequence of steps that are processed consistently. This approach enables breaking down large blocks of code into smaller, more manageable pieces for improved readability, extensibility, and testability.
First, define a type that will be passed between the pipeline steps:
public class InsurancePremiumModel
public decimal TotalPremium { get; set; }
Use the PipelineBuilder to create a pipeline and populate it with steps. For example, let's assume we want to calculate the total insurance premium for a set of customers:
var customers = GetCustomers();
var customersCount = customers.Count();
var builder = PipelineBuilder<InsurancePremiumModel>
.StartWith((model, next) => {
var basePrice = GetBasePrice(Options.Ambulance, customers);
var ambulancePremium = _ambulanceService.Calculate(basePrice);
model.TotalPremium += customersCount * ambulancePremium;
return next.Invoke(model);
.AddStep((model, next) => {
var basePrice = GetBasePrice(Options.Dental, customers);
var dentalPremium = _dentalService.Calculate(basePrice);
model.TotalPremium += customersCount * dentalPremium;
return next.Invoke(model);
.AddStep((model, next) => {
var basePrice = GetBasePrice(Options.HomeCare, customers);
var homeCarePremium = _homeCareService.Calculate(basePrice);
model.TotalPremium += customersCount * homeCarePremium;
return next.Invoke(model);
You can also define a pipeline step as a type by implementing the IPipelineStep interface. In the example below, we create a RoundOffStep to round off the total insurance premium:
public class RoundOffStep
: IPipelineStep<PriceModel>
public Task<PriceModel> InvokeAsync(PriceModel input, Func<PriceModel, Task<PriceModel>> next)
input.TotalPremium = RoundOff(input.TotalPremium);
return next.Invoke(input);
private decimal RoundOff(decimal price)
var rem = price % 10;
if (rem == 0) return price;
var result = Math.Round(price / 10, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * 10;
return rem < 5 ? result + 10.00m : result;
You can add the newly created step to the builder like this:
To obtain the pipeline object, use the Build method of PipelineBuilder. Once built, you can execute all added steps by calling the ExecuteAsync method:
var pipeline = builder.Build();
var result = await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(new InsurancePremiumModel());